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Cultivated Reef

Macros attempt #2


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deacon hemp

those are getting better,one thing that makes a major difference with macro's is get a mini tripod you will get some pro pics then!


btw how many megapixel's is your cam?


Edit:forgot to ask are you using flash?

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Stock lens. Ya that tank I posted on the fugly thread was from reef central. I would never make a tank llok like that.

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Actually, I was thinking more along the lines that your tank was kicking my tank's ass ;)


That other tank isn't even in the running.

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nice pics! what type of camera do u have? everytime i try taking close ups like that its all nasty... but urs turned out real nice!

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My fiance got me this for my birthday:


OLYMPUS C- 4000.

4 megapixel

Macro setting

Good Digital zoom

And enough settings on the thing to make ur head spin

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  • 1 month later...

Acoustic: How's the battery life on your camera? Anything you don't like about it? I have an old Olympus 1.3 megapixel, and I want one like yours. I have been very happy with Olympus. Mine has good battery life, but other cameras I've owned or tried have terrible battery lifes, and that turns me off a lot.

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This thing burns batteries like they are going out of style. I got lucky and found a charger and batteries from Walmart for only 5 bucks. Now I love everything about it.

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