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Coral Vue Hydros

1.5g pico cube


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I picked this little beauty up at a Petco. I don't think I need to explain any of these pics as you will get an idea of what I am doing ;)




















The 10g sump will house any equipment although I don't plan on using a skimmer. The only thing I am not sure on is how I am going to light this. As crazy as it sounds I would like to keep sps corals :lol:

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Impressive - but you'll want to ditch that LED lighting - it's not bright enough to keep even a blind cave lizard happy. I'd suggest the Coralife 18w Mini Aqualight. I had the same tank - before I upgraded it to my BioCube.




If I were to do this tank again - I was thinking of something along the lines of what you did -- only just with the Tom Aquatics nano canister filter instead.

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You are deffinatly right about the LEDs however its seems that that fixture you recommended wouldn't be enough for what I wish to keep :D

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well yeah if you're going after SPS then you'll need like a 70w MH over that thing - and hopefully it won't melt :P


I just kept softies in mine

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what pump are you using and how's the flow in there?


A maxijet 1200 however I am using a ball valve to throttle it back a bit. Right now I would say I am getting 150gph thru the valve and 3' of tubing.


Get a 70W MH over that sucker and you'll be set.


That's what I was thinking im just worried about the tank melting.

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wont melt if u keep enough distance between the waterline and the light


btw nice to see ya again =) remember this?




=P don't worry im not a stalker, i just keep all my work saved in this massive folder

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Well I have added the rock and sand however I still need to get batteries for my camera. Got the classic diatom bloom so going to wait on photos until that dies down.

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100x flow rate, thats alot. anyways, i would love to see progress on this tank, it looks awesome. maybe you could build a custom hood and put 2 light sockets in there, and get screw in flouresants. yesterday when i was at home depot, i saw 27W screw in ones, so if you had two that makes 54 watts. just a thought.

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i've been running that tank on my desk since november. it's a cute tank imo. i actually got it for the updraft filter at first. i wanted a closer look at the design but then i decided to run it as a pico anyways, using with the updraft filter as the sole water-mover (sans media though).


yeah, the leds are crap. i rubberbanded two 13w'ers onto the top instead of the led, which i kinda use as a clamp to keep the pc's in-place. so far the rubberband's degraded and already snapped once from the heat and age. :blush: yeah, i'm goin' ghetto for this one. i used black sand for the base, looks ok.


it's a nice tank still for the money and size. the plastic is very scratchable though (not that i've scratched it, i've never cleaned it in 6-mos. so far). but i don't believe it's even acrylic. <_< i think it's clear polystyrene (much cheaper material than acrylic). very fragile and very scratchable, so be careful with it.

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Awesome doesn't always mean good....



an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like: in awe of God; in awe of great political figures.



inspiring awe: an awesome sight.

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Some sort of Tetra tank. Here is a quick (and crappy) pic I took to give you an idea. BTW the chromis is not a permenant resident just staying for a couple weeks...



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why not just unscrew the post and remove the original LED's? interested in seeing how this goes... i've been tempted to try one but after my experience with a 1.6 hex i HATE the particular material that these small tanks are constructed of :P (didn't scratch my tank, just a pain to clean!)

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