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Heat buildup causing problems


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I need a small AC fan for the back of my hood, doesn't have to be real big at all , just something to move a little air. I didn't have a heat problem when I ran this lighting setup before, but the girlfriend likes the apartment at 75F plus.


Any suggestions on a fan?

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Hi. A 3inch PC fan stuck on the top of the hood to draw hot air out will really help. I use it on my current hood and it works perfectly. Without it the temp would run into 86F and above. Now its kept at about 78-80F


All I did was get a PC fan which costs about £4 and a small variable power adpater (DC) set it the same voltage as the fan and problem solved. Cost me less than £10.


Now I did read your post and see that you wanted an AC. I think its easier and cheaper using the DC PC fan.


Or else you just need to look in hardware store or equivalent and find a small AC fan and aim that at the rear of the hood setup same timer to turn on/off along with lights. Of course you may or may not find this practical.


Well, hope that helps somewhat. :)

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This has always confused me a little. I have a hood over my nano. Would I install a fan to blow air TOWARDS/OVER the water itself to cool it, or would I direct the air AWAY/OUT from the water and tank itself?


Thanks for clarifying....

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