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sick zoas


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I just got a new zoa frag on Friday and yesterday I noticed some white dots along the sides of the polyps. Today, several of them won't open so I'm a bit concerned. I tried blowing the white dots off with a turkey baster but they didn't come off.




Sorry they're blurry. My camera isn't exactly the greatest. Thanks in advance!



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I wonder how many people will click this thread thinking these zoas are sick (cool).

Crap, good point. Oh well, maybe it will get a few more looks that way? :happy:

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From the picture it looks like it could be zoa pox.

There's a great article on zoaid.com that describes a treatment using Furan 2 outside of the tank. Here's a link: http://www.zoaid.com/articles004.php


I also had that happen once and found out by accident that a higher than usual salinity seems to help. Or it did for me at least. Unfortunately, I couldn't even tell you exactly how high it was.

Your best bet is probably to try the zoaid/furan 2 method.

Good luck!

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Please post your results.

It stinks that you've had this happen, but it would really help if the rest of us could learn something from it!

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Please post your results.

It stinks that you've had this happen, but it would really help if the rest of us could learn something from it!

No problem, I'd be happy to keep track of my "pox battle." Hopefully I'll find something that works! :D


So far today:

1)Allowed the frag to sit out of water for one hour (read it somewhere on here and thought it was worth a try)

2)Several hours later, I placed the frag in a cup of new saltwater with some Melafix added (I figured it was worth a shot). I allowed it to remain there for 20 minutes, rinsed it off with more fresh saltwater, and then placed the frag back in the tank.


The zoas are not particularly happy at the moment, but they don't seem to be any worse off at least. Furan-2 is on order and should be here by mid-week next week. Updates to follow.



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Quick update:

Furan-2 still not here yet, so I've left them alone since Friday in hopes that what I've done so far would have been at least somewhat beneficial. Needless to say, the time out of water and Melafix did nothing more than make them angry and cause them to close up for the rest of the day (hard to believe, I know ;) ) The zoas seem to be doing ok, but I'm hoping the Furan-2 will arrive soon so I can treat them ASAP.



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