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Copper Removal


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OK so some hose clamps i used rusted a little to reveal a nice shiney copper center that dripped right into my tank killing all my inverts .


Now that i have removed the clamps im undergoing the task of trying to get all the copper out of my tank. So far I have inserted a poly filter into a high flow area in the sump . Is there any other way to remove copper from the system? without killing all my fish??


Lemmi know what you think.


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If moving the fish to another tank and starting over is not an option...What size tank is it? If its not too big, hookup a filter you can run a descent amount of carbon in, change the carbon every week until you can't detect any copper. If there's buttloads of copper in there then I'd start over anyway.

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Hate to burst your bubble, but I think that you'll have a very difficult time removing ALL of the copper. You can probably get it down to near zero, but from what I've read and understand, you'll never completely clear the copper.


Has anyone heard this before or am I stating something way out in left field?

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Not sure if I agree Fly. In my dad's 72 gallon reef, he had a wire exposing copper and he had a total tank meltdown. a couple of fish survived, nothing else. the tank was run for two months, with treatments (not sure what the guy did) new live rock was added, some old rock taken out (to make room for the rock) and now the tank is doing fine again, inverts a plenty.

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After doing a serch on reefs.org im realizing that its going to take a long time of running poly filters and carbon to rebuild the tank , I am going to put in a new DSB when the carbon lvls get a little lower and reseed the live rock with some fresh little pieces full of life.


This is a nice little lesson to watch what kind of hose clamps you use when building your sump. useing the wrong ones and having a little leek can be disaster.




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copper cannot ever be removed from tanks fully as it is absorbed by the silicon sealing. nothing that has been used in that tank can be used angain with inverts. not even live rock

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