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My 20L at 6 months


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Hi all,


This is my 20l at 6 months. This tank is a little different from others I have seen on Nano-reef. Because it really has more algae than corals (pretty macro algae, coralline algae, and unfortunately some hair algae too). I am open to suggestions for improvement. Particularly dealing with the hair algae problem. Oh yeah, I also have a flatworm problem. I have been dealing with those little buggers for way too long.

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nice yellow polyps....my judt die....i cant keep them for somereason.....everything else grows but no...yellow polyps sont want to.....oh and nice tank

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tank looks good me boy! i really like lower profile tanks and your collection of critters really look at home.


but you've got flatworms and that red frilly stuff? and afro? must be "ba chi" :o bad karma or the apocolypse! dude!


i know a dude that tore down a 125 cuz of that red frill and i just treated my tank for reddish/olive guys flatworms. stressful for the critters but all seem ok now-cept the montipora (which sadly i kinda expected). if you've had any luck controlling the frill lemme know cuz man, what i've seen from it scares me!


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Here is a picture under the hood. I have a 2x55 watt PC (10k and actinic) from Hellolights, 2x13 watt pc lighting set up at either end to simulate dawn and dusk. Auto top-off is visible as well as 2 of the 4 cooling fans (I live in a hot climate). The flat worms are virtually impossible to get rid of, I got a 6-line wrasse to deal with the problem but the poor little guy can only eat so much. I think he is diminishing the population slowly though. I have a couple of types of red macro-algae, some of it the red afro type, some of it a lovely manageable red bush-like (I don't know the name) type. The afro type is barely present, but I can't trim it, it is too tough to dislodge from the rock. For the most part I enjoy the macro-algae, it keeps the tank busy looking and if trimmed frequently the halimeda, caluerpa, red bush-like type add to the color and biodiversity of the tank.

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