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Ok I am kind of lost. I have been reading about frags and glue and on and on.

What is a frag, how to coose when to cut and how, how to glue, anything would be great.

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Frags = fragments of colonies of coral. You cut when you want to frag something. How to cut? With a razor down to the rock. Then you chip it off with a hammer and chisel or hammer and screwdriver (just did this myself for the first time yesterday. Very cool). Then you can glue it down on a plug or another piece of LR.

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Yes it leaves them prone to infection. That is why you are also taking a chance. Make sure you change your water every once and a while to replace trace elements. 1-3 weeks.

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fraggle rockette

practice with zoos or mushies or other soft polyps... they seem to heal faster. then go from there.

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so after u cut it, u chisel it from the rock and then put it on a plug? what if you just leave the rock as the plug?

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ok, IMO plugs look horrible in a tank. you put so much time into a neat aquascape and then you ruin it with a massive white plug. with zoos, for example, you cut them away from the main colony carefully and then you glue it onto a piece of LR or rubble.

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