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I was planning on ordering one of these aqua globe mini pumps, and just read and old thread about them rusting, can some one who has one for more than six months please update me.


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I've had mine for about two months. It's very powerful, more so than my Maxi-Jet that is twice as big. Also, it's quite silent, except when one of the suction cups comes loose (about once a week). It's just so small.. you can't pass it up. For small tanks it's the best.

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I've had mine for maybe close to 5 months. It's absolutely covered in corraline algae and looks like it's due time for a cleaning near the intake (i've never cleaned it out even once :x )


Haven't had any problems other than the bound to happen suction cup problem. Sometimes it would fall once a week... sometimes it would fall 5 times a day!


To rectify the situation... I got some zip ties and now it's held in place. :D


It might not be the prettiest solution... but I haven't had to touch the stupid thing for a few weeks now. B)

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I've still not had a single issue. I use the 200 and 300 models. I cant speek for the smaller 100 sized unit. I believe that was the one the "issues" was with.


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