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Semi-Fragging a Hammer


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I bought a Pink Branching Hammer coral a couple weeks ago and so far its been doing great. When I bought it however, it only had two heads that were alive and a third that is just skeleton by now. I'd like to remove this third dead head but am worried about damaging the two good heads. If I use a coping saw with a fine blade, can I just cut straight down where this dead skeleton meets the other two and not damage the two good heads at all? This would be my first time messing with a LPS coral so I am needless to say uneasy about it.

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  • 5 months later...
Thanks for the tips, the saw and bone cutter method worked out great and now I have a neat and tidy Hammer coral.


After reading this thread I just cut one with a hacksaw and it worked out very very well.. Turned a 3 branch into a 2 and single :)


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