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Innovative Marine Aquariums

best way to move/evict an anenome?


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Got some fantastic LiveRock from Gulf-view, but unfortunatly, it came with a couple of unwanted "hitchhikers", one their website identifies as a "light-bulb" anenome, a few aispastia, and possibly a curlique anenome.


I don't want any of them in my tank, what's the best way to coax them off this gorgous rock? I was thinknig of setting up my quarintine tank with some rubble- rock, and then maybe using a powerhead to coax them to move somewhere quieter?


I might set up a tank just for the anenomes, or pass them on if someone local wants them....but ideas on how to "evict" them is much appreciated.....



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probably the safest way to get them to dislodge is to continually blast them with a turkey baster. you could use a PH but it may be too destructive on their delicate tissues.


the anenomes should initially react by balling up at first but eventually they should voluntarily dislodge themselves (blow at the base :blush: ). they're not hi-flow creatures so imitating a hi-flow environment will fool them to consider 'moving' elsewhere via the current (i.e. tumbleweed action). then just use a styrofoam/plastic cup to scoop them out when they're free-floating.


kalk the aiptasia tho. blasting them will just get you a tankful of the unwelcome buggers. hth

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ladyamanda - if they are slightly larger the old ice cube in a ziplock baggie works wonders for getting them to detach. Just get it near the foot and gently keep nudging it with the bag/ice it should detatch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you want them moved . All you have to do is 'Want" them to stay where they are. I have yet to have any anenome stay where i wanted it to. They seem to be able to read my mind and move to the spot that is the most visually offensive to me.

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