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CUC Compatiblity


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I have this 24G NC that has a hair algae problem. It was pretty bad at first, but since then has gotten better (thanks to my urchin), but I can't seem to get it past the algae-ness it's at now becsue the algae can't be ripped off that much anymore. :angry: Also, I have a ton of Grape Caulerpa in the tank.This was my first SW tank, and I had no idea what a CUC was at that time, so now I realize how much I need one. Standard hermit, turbo, nass group. But I have some questions about the more "optional" members of tghe CUC, namely, the Sea Hare and the Emerad Crab. I always hear about how the Sea hares have some sort of toxic capabilities, but I also hear how ravenously they eat Caulerpa and GHA...but I don't want to risk wiping out the whole tank because the thing got spined by my urchin or something. But I do plan to add Poly-Filter, so would thaqt neutralize the toxin? And about emerald crabs...I've got a clam in there-would the crabs bother it. i also plan to add one of the smaller blennies (like a bicolor or maybe a midas) after seeing the lawnmower in my other tank rip into that algae. Do they eat macroalgae?


Thanks for reading this long post! :)

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