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What do you use to glue egg crate?


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I'm starting my first frag tank, a 15g that was formerly my nano reef. I have tried gluing egg crate with super glue but that failed and I had a hell of a time getting it off my hands. I then tried aquarium silicon and left it to cure for a day, again failed.


I've since just put the egg crate in the tank however its not overly sturdy. Should I just leave it as is or is there a better attachment method i'm unaware of.



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I use crazy glue. I had to hold it in place for like 2 minutes and the glue was a little runny, depending on how much I put.

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ziptie it together or use super glue gel....Ive used both and they work



don't zipties have metal in them?

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I'm going to try fishing line later if that doesn't work I'll pick up some zip-ties on the weekend.


thanks for the tips!

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The Propagator

Some zip ties DO have a metal pin inside the part the ribbon slides through that locks it in.


Weld-on #12 works AWSOME on eggcrate and PVC. So does Oateys PVC compound.

You can also make your own Acrylic cement with paint thinner and acrylic chips.

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thanks for all the tips. I'll figure something out. I guess this wasn't the 1hr job I thought it would be :mellow:

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I use superglue. Strong enough to hold good, but if you really need to break it apart, it comes apart relatively easy enough.

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