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Problem with Sailfin


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I made fresh fish food tonight out of the usually nori, shrimp, and a seafood mix. All of it was fresh not cooked no addititives. When I finished I put what was left in the bowl in my 90 gallon tank. It might have been a little more than I normally give them but not an extreme amount. Everything was fine while they ate but about 20 minutes later I noticed the sailfin was pale and very fat and kind of swimming funny. Now for the gross part, he expelled waste a couple of times and still was pale and my husband and I were watching him then he threw up. It looked like he ate most of the food I put in the tank. Of course the other fish just started eating again. He seems to be getting his regular color back and is swimming around fine now. Has anybody every had a fish throw up and do you think he will be ok.

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Well, I doubt it expelled it's stomach contents. More than likely it was holding the food in it's jaws (think of a hamster hoarding it's food). When it realized it couldn't eat and more, and/or was frightened, it released the food back into the water column.


It turned an off color because it fed too much it it may have effected it's ability to function normally for a little while. Kind of like when other animals are glutonous, they get uncomfortable That is how fish display that "feeling".


I'd take it as a good sign of health that the fish wants to eat as much as it can, and also a sign that- as you've said- that was a little too much food for one sitting.


When I accidently overfeed I either test the water or am proactive and do a quick water change.




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