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To skim or not so skim?


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My Ramora skimmer is driving me BONKERSS!!!! ARGH!!! :angry:


It looks like a typhoon in my tank! :angry: There are soo many bubbles, its been doing it for 28 days now, and i cant take it anymore!!! Im not using any chemicals, so thats not over reacting them, and everything is normal!! Just the stupid thing makes SOOOO MANY BUBBLES IN MY TANK!!! :angry: lol... I've also tried foam, it just makes MORE macro bubbles!!!


Do i *really* need a skimmer? Honestly? Its a FOWLR tank, but i do have glove xenia, and am getting a small frag of GSP soon... The fish list will include (once fully stocked) 1 clown, 1 chromis, 1 cleaner shrimp, and 1 angel or tang (undecided yet)...


I see many tanks all the time without skimmers and they are fine!!! :o Even my old tank (15g with chromis zoa's, and clown) didnt have a skimmer and it all worked perfectly fine! ;)


So, can i take out the Ramora and just use the powerhead attachted to it to make another current in the tank??? What do you think? Anyone!!!!!


Flick B)

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I took out the skimmer! :D


And am using the powerhead by itself! ;) Now with 2 VERY powerful powerheads, and the Aqua Clear 70 HOB the current is wayyyyy to powerful! Argh!!! lol. Everythings blowing like mad, chromis in hiding in tank corner and it looks like a real choppy ocean in there! :P lol


Ill take pics tomorrow of it, and you can tell me if its too powerful (the current) or if i should leave it how it is now :)


Flick :)

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I really don't think its a good idea to run a tank that size skimmerless. Unless you plan on crazy water changes.


Not sure what to suggest though I actually have a remora as well but as i'm sure you know theres not much adjusting you can do on it.

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These come straight from your Feb 09 posting. I dont see any micro bubbles. IMG_2465.jpg


I will say however that your 2nd pic has piqued my curiousity.




See the microbubbles on or in the box( I cant tell which)? I might suggest that you remove the overflow box and resume skimming. I have a feeling this might work. To help facilitate and remove any excess bubbles quicker, drain the Skimmer (if you havent already done so) and re-install. If this doesnt work, contact AquaC. They have great CS.


As to some of the advice your getting on the other thread, never use livestock as Guinea pigs. Contrary to what someone said, Chromis are not cockroaches of the Sea and are beautiful additions to a reef tank. After one month of setup, a saltwater tank, if done right, will be perfectly fine for adding livestock to. You sound very undecided most of the time. Try to be more decisive and have patience ( I know you have) and dont impulse buy because something looks prettty. Research all you can and then proceed. You will guarantee better success and enjoyment from your reef tank.


As to the Tang issue, someone said not to buy the Tang. I think that person is absolutely right on all counts they pointed out to you. Unless you are already in the planning stages for a minimum 125 gallon tank, A yellow Tang is a bad idea. They also get stressed easier and as you should already know, A stressed Tang= a Dead Tang. :o JMO



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Ok thanks guys...


I may try, and probably wil try it by taking out of overflow box... I have a feeling that will work! :D There were SOOOOOOO MANY MICROBUBBLES!!! Argh! (when it was in). The pics dont even show them! Im surprised! The chromis looked like he was invested with ick! Thats how many bubbles are in it, they covered him almost completely! :( Then as soo as i stoped it, they disappeared off him, and hes relieved! lol


Im not using the chromis as a guinea pig. I know i said it, but i also changed my point of view. To me, honestly, chromis are one of the most gorgeous fish of the sea! Their shape, size, how they move. Its GORGEOUS in my eyes! I almost baught 2 yesterday! I also stated that my params are fine, and i could have added a clown. However i didnt as they didnt have any clowns, and they had stunning chromis'! :D :D :D I see what you mean, and i did mention it. Dont worry though, i've changed my mind (yet again.. lol. I honestly dont think i do change it that much. I just try different options to see what works for me the best) and i know the chromis will be fine! :D Hes a great addition to my gorgeous tank, and i would never put a fish, or snail even, in harm if the conditions were wrong. Not worth loosing a life for being impatient. ;)


Dont hate me when i say this, lol, but we'll see about the tang. I love them to death, and i see your points, *VERY* valid. It will be a decision i make once the time comes. But i promise you... If there is another angel fish that i like, i will get it for sure, and not get the tang. Promise... :)



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Ok thanks guys...



I love them to death, and i see your points, *VERY* valid.





So why still consider it? If you love yellow tangs get a bigger tank? Say you do get one and love it and it survives are you going to love tearing down all your rock work to catch it and sell him?


I'd love a naso tang but i'd get really upset if I had to sell him because he outgrew my tank, not to mention the hell of tearing the tank down to remove him. It just doesn't seem like a good idea for both you and the tang if its only a temporary arrangement.


Yellow Tang (Hawaii) - Zebrasoma flavescens


Maximum Size: the Zebrasoma flavescens grows up to 12 inches.

General Size Specifications: The small size will come to you generally 1 to 2 inches; the medium generally 3 to 4 inches; the large generally 5 to 6 inches.

Minimum Tank Size: The Yellow Tang (Hawaii) prefers a tank of at least 100 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.

Diet: The Zebrasoma flavescens is a herbivore and likes to eat Dried Seaweed (best), marine algae, mysid shrimp, Spirulina, Romaine Lettuce (blanched) , fresh seaweed, and other meaty treats.

Level of Care: The Yellow Tang (Hawaii) is a medium maintenance fish.

Behavior: The Yellow Tang (Hawaii) may act peacefully toward other fish.

Hardiness: This is a hardy fish.

Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).

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Yupp i know that... I've been researching them for ages!!!


Various websites say 50g is good, some say 100g+


Ill do what i feel is right when the time comes... ok? ;) And im telling you, if there is an angel (small) ill get him... so im not settled on a tang for sure! we will have to see! :P


Where in Ontario Are you located? (I may have already asked you... lol sorry if i did and forget) :P



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I put the Remora skimmer back on... with OUT the overflow box, and...


Its even WORSE now!!!! :( :( :( Arghh!!!!!! :( I think im just gonna sell it, and do good sized of water changes every weekend. What do you think? Thanks guys... Im fed up with it!


How much should i sell it for? Its 8 months old or so... and ill include the powerhead a *very* powerful maxijet powerhead)...


Flick :)

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Try giving the skimmer a good cleaning. I really think you should figure out why it's doing this vs just selling it and hoping the next person can fix it. However if you do decide to get rid of it I think you should reinvest that cash in a new skimmer. Also clean out the maxi-jet as well.


Why not go with a flame angel instead? Or another Centropyge. There are many very attractive kinds out there that require less space then a tang. When places are recommending 50 gallon tanks they most likely mean 4" long ones, and with many places and all updated books recommending 90, or 100 gallons, I'd tend to go with their recommendation since they aren't trying to sell you one.

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Yeah im trying to figure it out currently... I got it hooked up now, still lots of bubbles :( but not as bad as before. Then again, no protien is bubbling up into the collection cup either :( So i think the foam is forcing to much water in the skimmer? Who knows though, as when i take out the foam, there still arent any bubbles being formed inside now :( argh!!! lol


I've said numerous times ;) i *will* wait and see. If there is an angel, ill get that , NOT the tang... I said it above to:


"It will be a decision i make once the time comes. But i promise you... If there is another angel fish that i like, i will get it for sure, and not get the tang. Promise... "


I like angels, and they are better suited for my tank :)


I may just get 2 clowns, 1 chromis, and 1 cleaner shrimp? As before i was going to get only 1 clown, then a tang... Not sure though... well see how i feel when i go get them :)


Andrew- where you located in Ontario?


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I've said numerous times ;) i *will* wait and see. If there is an angel, ill get that , NOT the tang... I said it above to:


Andrew- where you located in Ontario?




You shouldn't base your choice on what's currently in stock. You can basically get ANY fish you want in your general area. If there is something you want special order it or wait for it to come in. If you have to wait a few months then fine, you plan on keeping the fish years and years so what's a few month. Plus it will also be better for the fish to come into a more mature tank.


I'm located in mississauga.

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Whoa you sure dont like what im sayin do ya? :( lol ;)


What you think i mean is. If i go to the shop and there arnet any angels, BAMB, ill take a tang then... No, what i mean is ill go to the shop, check out their angels (research before hand on which species is ok for my situation) and pick one out. If there arent any, i *probably* wont get a tang... Lets just drop it, i get your point, and i realise tangs shouldnt be in a 46g tank. So, ill look for different fish :)


haha nope Travis...


I changed the current direction, and before the chromis was in the coner hiding, now hes in the middle, surfing the 3 currents i got aiming at the mid section of the tank! :D Looks SOO NICE!!! It honestly looks like a wild chromis surfing the current over a coral island! sooo nice! :) He also ate again today.. he LOVES his spirulina enriched frozen bs! :D


Im thinking i may get 2 clowns, the cleaner shrimp, and the chromis as my fish list. That way they are all smaller, nice, colourful, peaceful, and suited for my tank! :D Im also going to get a stronger bulb, and get some hairy mushrooms! :) Hopefully the clowns will host them! :D lol



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the clowns may also take to the xenia. why not try two clowns and three chromis? that way they can school while the clowns hang out in there host. just a thought and the fish would be so much happier.

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i had a question about protien skimmers, should i get one for my 8 gal Oceanic Biocube? and if so, what kind? thanks guys

You don't really need one for a modestly stocked 8gal with weekly waterchanges. If you do, the Sapphire Aquatics Skimmer would probably be your best option although its really not necessary. HTH.


For the record, I have a 20H skimmerless.

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Trasm not to be rude, but start your own thread!!! (I HATE when people ask a question in someone elses thread! Argh!!!)...


I also thought of that Travis! Wouldn't that look amazing! :D


3 chromis surfing the current, with 2 clowns hosting below them. Even if my clowns dont host, they would still look cool ;) Yes, my Glove Xenias are HUGE! :D Tall, and spreading like wildfire on *all* the rocks!


ps- I also forgot to mention flyingjeff is giving me a free frag of Green star polyps! :D So ill have a final coral list of tons of glove xenia, green star polyps, and hairy large mushrooms! :D :D :D


Flick :)

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I know theres no guarantee :( That SUCKS! lol


Xenia abosrb nutrients??? Thats awesome!!! As i currently have 100+ xenias covering my rock! :D lol. Thanks for that info! Good to know! :)



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try bringing the water level up or putting an extension on the out tube so its not pouring back in! there are a couple of ramora mods on here look in the DIY section

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