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Cultivated Reef

what did my coral just do?


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I was watching tv when out of the corner of my eye I saw my green open brain coral spit something out! it was white and kinda like tons of little threads. it looked like an erupting volcano : there wasnt much of it and it disapeared after a minute, but I cant figure out what it did?

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Sound like spawning behaviour...although that rarely happens in captive situations....could be just egesting its last meal...that kinda thing happens when your mouth and anus are the same thing...

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First time my frogspawn relieved itself, I freaked out too. If it eats it craps. It should be a sign of health for your brain too.

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y'know, it can go blind doing that. :P what did you do? leave out one of those reefkeeping books and the brain saw the centerfold? :D



like the others mention, darker crappie usually is such.


the milky stuff is um, plankton. don't get any ideas of adding some of "mm's homemade phyto". :


having espi pee into tanks to help cycling is bad enough. :x

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I took the advice from others on this site and went and bought some frozen mysis shrimp to feed to my green open brain. I put one in there and forgot to turn my pumps off and lets just say that piece went to the hermits. The next one I put right by the mouth of the gob and went to go get another piece and by the time I got back it was gone. I thought it fell so I put another in and watched in wonder as it slowly moved it toward its mouth. that could have been the coolest thing I have ever seen. Although I did not feed it with the lights out but I just did a water change this morning and its tentacles were out so I figured why not feed it.

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