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Coral Vue Hydros

Southdown sand- all you can grab


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So I'm leaving work today, and right across the street, they're just finishing putting up a new building. You know how construction sites put up a temporary chain-link fence around the work zone? And how they use sandbags to hold the bases of the fence posts in place? Well my eyes wander down and hit upon those unmistakable blue and red bags. That's right. Sealed bags of Southdown holding up the fence, white as snow and fine as cheech.


Struck me as funny because I've heard of people paying through to nose to have this stuff shipped and bribing Home Depot employees to have a pallet brought in. But here on the East Coast, you can find it laying about at construction sites. So load up folks. Essex Street in Hackensack, between Prospect and Summit.

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um, correct me if I'm wrong but that chain link fence is put there to remind you that a) you are trespassing if you enter the area, B) it is a construction site and it is unsafe behind the fence and c) the stuff behind said fence is not free to the public. Satch, you are suggesting people trespass, put themselve into a potentially harmful situation and steal. Sounds like a nice triple there ....however.....


Liquid sees your post, goes over to the site, sneaks into the construction site and steals a bag of southdown. On his way out two teamsters named Rocco and Frankie, also known as Big Sal and Frankie Knuckles see liquid and his bag of sand and they nab him. Assuming Liquid is from a rival "gang" and stealing from them, Rocco and Frankie put liquid into the trunk and off to the hudson they go. Seeing as liquid was so fond of the southdown sand, Rocco mixes up a nice batch of cement mixed with the fine white sand. They then force liquid to stand in the cement until it hardens around his feet. Liquid and his fine white southdown shoes are then taken for a ride on Frankie's boss' boat, Scungili, and they toss poor liquid into the cold, dirty water where his cement shoes pull him instantly to the bottom of the water where he dies.


Congrats satch, you put liquid at risk of trespassing, theft, danger to bodily harm and you suggested he steal from a construction site in New Jersey, also known as the Mobster State.


Touched all bases - HOMERUN

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Originally posted by Crakeur

Satch, you are suggesting people trespass, put themselve into a potentially harmful situation and steal.  




Liq- yeah, that's the place. While you're there, stop in at Cafe Policastro. Ground sirloin burgers that go great with lawlessness.

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Cool, I may go grab a few bags. My office is on 17 not far from there. I've eaten there several times, I used to work at Romeo Heating on Meyer Street not far from the bottom of the hill. It's a nice little organization based in Hackensack that I ran the office of. The boss "Pete" Romeo put me in charge of scheduleing the crew to go do boiler maintenance, of which, we only serviced New York City where the guys lived that I scheduled and dispatched from Jersey. I thought you would find that one amusing Crakeur. And I mean funny, like haha funny, not funny like a clown. Do I ammuse you?! :D Besides Crak, if the bags are holding down the thing from outside the fenced in inclosure, then all that you said does not apply, they would just be bags of sand laying on a public sidewalk I figure. Beside, I can get a couple crackheads from a few blocks away to get all the bags for me for a pack of Newports.

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Liquid, while you're at it, couldyou stop into the drugstore across the street and tell them they skipped their monthly honorarium fee and they owe me some money for that other thing. They'll know what you're talking about. If need be, break the old lady's left pinky (the right one has been broken so many times now that she doesn't feel anything anymore).


Satch, I think lawyers developed the attractive nuisance defense because of people such as yourself.


When I worked for a construction company out on Long Island (drive around motor parkway and see some of my handi-work) I remember hearing about a kid who got hurt at one of the sites. His family sued the construction company, even tho there were signs everywhere warning about trespassing and the hazzards of being inside the construction area. They lost the suit because the area was deemed an attraction to the kid and the lure was too great for him to withstand.


The "family" took care of that minor speed bump. I call it a speed bump because the father is now laying cement under a bump on one of the "family's" paved roads.

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Originally posted by tow-up

liquid if you decide to grab some bags can you grab me 2? i will pay you shipping and a hauling fee ^^

no you won't you silly puppy.


edit: btw happy birthday. (also: i think mikee/strife/stryfe has some spare sand up in nor cal)

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Illegality and safety aside, is this really an honorable thing to do?


Obviously, someone's parents didn't teach their children well.

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I have 5 x40 pound bags if any one wants some fer $ 20.00 a bag.


I got them the right way......


Bribery and insider trading. :D

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Originally posted by Pikelet

Obviously, someone's parents didn't teach their children well.

Easy now Monsignor. For those of us not fortunate enough to have had Pikelet's upbringing:


It's not all southdown. There are regular, the-river-is-flooding-sandbags too. But along the length of the fence there's probably about 10 bags of the good stuff. Act now while supplies last. If Liquid got there it may already be too late.


It's not a construction site anymore, there's no trespassing to do. Building is complete and the stores inside of it are open. For some reason, they just haven't taken the fence down yet. They would probably appreciate any help we could give them in that regard.

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They would probably appreciate any help we could give them in that regard.


whadda model citizen! :P and as for the rest of yous, pipe down! can't you see he's talkin' here?! i'll smack ya over the head and let you go coral diving off barnegat bay! shaddup!


don satchmo, just give 'em an offer they cannot refuse.



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Originally posted by tinyreef

don satchmo, just give 'em an offer they cannot refuse.  


Thank you Consigliere. You are a great asset to this thing of ours.



Originally posted by Darya

i wish i was in jersey right now


Oh, if I had a nickel for everytime I've heard that one...

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Originally posted by Darya

eeek...i wish i was in jersey right now...why doesn't this type o thing happen in our neck o the woods? sigh!

i wannnnnnnnnnt soooooome.


If you're ever in the Bay Area, I've heard that Aquarium Concepts in Hayward has Southdown. I have a job interview in that area this week and plan on picking some up while I'm there;)

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Don Satchmo. I like that. Remind me to kiss the ring and show my respect next time I see you. I'd hate to wake up one morning with the head of my neon dottyback in the bed with me. It might go unnoticed for a while as it is rather small and I probably wouldn't find it until I started getting blamed for the smell.

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Satchmo said some ###### about being in Joisiey


Oh, if I had a nickel for everytime I've heard that one... [/b]




You'd owe me close to a 5.00 bill in change since I had to be in that state for even a split seconds worth... :D

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People could we please refrain from discussing burglarizing, tresspassing, and theft from construction sites on a public board. Remember the law might be reading. Also, Southdown is stored at Home Depots in Jersey pallet upon pallet, for a like $3 a bag and i cant see anyone on NANO-reef needing more then one bag!! ;) GiL

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well if thesite is closed then ask the shop owners if you can take the sand bags offer em a buck a bag. they dont know the treasure they hold!! kaka or maybe you can take teh southdown bags and leave diff bags of sand at the same weight. just a few suggestions.

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