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Pico Fishies


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So I got the nifty 5.5 I won off Ebay in the office and started to set it up. Coworkers c crowd around me and are like "You can get a clownfish ! AND AN ANEMONE!!".


I explain NO we can NOT get an anemone and I think the tank is a weeeee bit small for a clown. I was originally considering a pseudochromis.


I then glanced at the fishy sticky in the Newcomer forum and noticed it recommended 10g + for a pseudochromis.


What do you all have for vertebrates in y0 tank? Should I just get a lil goby? (I"m being forced by coworkers to get at least one fish).



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Do a search for "lgreen" and look at the fish guide that comes up. I think you can find it from "steelhealr" as well. It's the best guide I've seen for realistically keeping small fish.

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Put a cleaner shimp in there and your coworkers will forget all about the fish. They are more fun to watch, less bioload and no problem about feeding on weekends. Just my .02 worth.

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ill be getting a yellow clown goby for my 3gal

make sure your water quality is really good. Never miss a water change and test frequently.

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