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See what happens when you eat REDs Zoas


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HaHaHaHa No he didn't really eat it!! Although we did try to crack the claws open to see if there was any meat after we boiled him. :D


And to those of you who thought it was cruel, it was dead with in seconds...

A lot better than flushing down the fresh water toilet.....


Thought this would bring a laugh to a few faces :D



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so let me get this straight? you saw a crab eating zoa's which contain Palytoxins. (very toxic) and decided to cook it and feed it to your roomate?



I'm sure the proteins denatured in such high temperatures...if not, then we should be extremely interested....


EDIT: saw that his roommate never ate it.... should have! would've been interesting...

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Haha Ill make him eat the next one so we'll all know. (I just won't tell him about the poison :P )


Its not cruel, people do it everyday to crabs at high class resturants so stop bit#@in.



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has anyone every bought live crab from the supermarket? man i remember one time i had to help my mom hold the lid down because she had to do something else... you can really feel them kicking the lid.... i felt bad but LOVED the freshness. i think im going to hell :owned:

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i think im going to hell :owned:

Nah. Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.


This was so funny. I saw it at work and really LOLed. :)

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  • 3 months later...





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hahah that is hilarious! btw for all you complaining scmucks out there, if the organism is as small as the crab red boiled, heat is one of the more humane ways to kill. imwilling to bet it was dead within seconds of hitting the boiling water. if the crab (or other) was big then yes, inhumane.


i agree with cyenna. the toxin is protein based and probably denatured (basically deformed and deactivated) from the high heat exposure. this is just an assumption based on what i know about most proteins though... not 100% sure about palytoxin.


lol if the roomate eats this one, notify first aid (and the biology department... they might be interested) in advance!

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You are lucky that crab wasnt eriphia sebana.....Its 10 times more potent than cynaide if eaten...

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Haha, well hold on guys I gotta catch him first. I found the bastar# chasing my new sallyfoot around. I almost caught him, but he jumped off last second.


Seahorsedreams- yes it was on the heating element but the one it was on was not turned on. He was trying to run for it while we preparing his bath...


And don't forget guys nobody really ate anything.....it was a joke. I no one will eat this one either but the outcome will be interesting either way so stay tooned :)



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Most zoanthids do not contain palytoxin, it is extremely rare. That doesn't make them edible, as most "poisonings" in this hobby are allergic reactions to the vast amounts of foreign proteins and pigments in our tanks. If anyone is actually exposed to palytoxin, they are now dead. You don't survive palytoxin poisonings. There are stories of some of the "experts" having been exposed to and surviving palytoxin several times, but it's simply not possible. Their symptoms would have been a result of a different, less potent toxin.

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Before I read it was a joke, I was thinking I wouldn't want to be your roomate, Hate to p1zz you off. LMAO Made me choke on my coffee

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Haha Im not THAT bad ;) But Im glad it gave you a laugh. Still can't find either of my crabs, that is to say my good crab and the bad one who will meet a sticky fate if he hurts my sallyfoot :rant::tears::scarry:



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So it was a bitter ending my day today. I found my sallyfoot missing a leg!!!


I already knew who the culprit was, so I dismantled my tank and found the little sh*t. So since the crab was strong enough to rip off my crabs leg off I figured it would probably hurt a little if he pinched me. Sooooo I grabbed him with needle nose pliers, but I *accidentally* sqeezed too hard and crushed him. (it really was an accident though, I had more devious plans for him after I saw what he did to my sallyfoot) So hes dead with no fun pictures. Sorry if I disappointed. But at least the threat is gone and I can rest easy now.



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  • 3 weeks later...

if people think boiling a crab alive is cruel I hope they don't eat any blue/maryland crab in restaurants or any products made from them. They pull the legs off the crabs while they are still alive, and they sit around before they are pressure/steam cooked. Boiling a crab alive is much more humane than the way most seafood from stores is treated.

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if people think boiling a crab alive is cruel I hope they don't eat any blue/maryland crab in restaurants or any products made from them. They pull the legs off the crabs while they are still alive, and they sit around before they are pressure/steam cooked. Boiling a crab alive is much more humane than the way most seafood from stores is treated.


I should have read this before my response but I got caught up in thinking about how nice it would be to have crabs again...

No one that I know of rips the legs off blue crabs while they still alive, if you did that it would make them so much less fun to eat!


Yes, they are steamed cooked alive but you just drop the crabs into the steamer whole while pouring large quantities of old bay on them. They still have their legs beccause you can hear them clicking on the side of the pot...

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