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Coral Vue Hydros

Best Way to Set Up A QT?


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Hey all, Just wondering the best way to set up a QT, My babies have their first case of Ich and I just set up a 10 gallon w/ a filter to put them in. What about water quality? I filled it w/ new saltwater, should I use some of my old water? Will this cycle the QT and kill my fish??? THANKS! HELP!



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for a quarantine tank, there are a few easy guidelines to follow

1) heater

2) NO lr/ls/materials from existing tank

3) some sort of PVC shelter/clean tupperware (etc)

4) optional: skimmer


you should not use your old tank water, because you don't want any other possible parasites to be transported into the QT tank. the reason why you don't have to "cycle" a QT tank is b/c there is no LR/LS to contribute to any die off which may lead to ammonia/nitrite/nitrate spikes. the QT tank should use fresh saltwater, and materials should be kept always separate from the stuff in your tank. for example, don't toss in a piece of LR to "seed" your QT tank, otherwise the purpose is defeated.


i hope that helps.


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id do it differently, but that's just me.


the tank will go through a cycle unless you are medicating which will kill off the bacteria everytime its used and youre doing water changes to compensate for the lack of bacteria.

what do u plan to do in the qt? use meds or just keep them separate?

do you have a clue why they got sick? they get sick from stress... so what do you think was the cause? if the ich is that bad, then you may want to medicate, otherwise you may not need to. sometimes just separating fish apart froma stressor will clear the problem.


sure, QTing should be easy, but not when youre setting one up to treat an issue. (set one up to prevent and issue, thats easy). IMO always have a source of bio filtration unless you're medicating and doing water changes like a mad man (every 2-3 days or so).


if you want more info, PM me, otherwise will let the thread lie with uchiha's suggestions. some people want different things out of a QT, that's all im suggesting you think about. :) gl

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