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my little 2 gal


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Hm. My anemone(majano) hasn't really ever been happy in it, so I'm going to move it to my sump once I get that set up and would like to keep the little thing up since I've spent a good bit of money on it.


I have a bit of rock(not enough, but that's easily remedied) and sand. A couple of strands of sword caulerpa(LOVES THAT TANK!) a few copepods, a 10 watt light(no reflector, so enough light to keep caulp alive and thriving, not enough to make a "pest anemone" happy) a 7.5 watt heater and a 36 GPH stingray filter(completely covered intake, sponged)


If it was YOUR tank, you had not a lot of time(as in, I don't want a dwarf sea horse suggestion, or anything else that is likewise so demanding) and not a ton of cash(as in no equipment upgrades) what would you keep in it? Oh, also, I know they sell them on ebay, but no majano either ;) It's just a rectangle shaped clear box really. A critter keeper I used to keep a betta in ages ago.


Some sort of soft coral? A shrimp or a crab of some sort?


Edit: Also, the light is screwed into a reptile lamp, so even less light for that. Just thought I'd mention it. . .

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If it was MY tank, I'd do a non-photosynthetic theme with sun coral and dendrophylia (sp?) and a gorgonian. They would require feeding, which means you thaw out some frozen mysis or cyclopeze a couple times a week & feed with a medicine dropper. Keep in mind that all the feeding would mean you'd have to be extra dilligent about regular water changes and having a cleanup crew.


That's not as difficult as dwarf seahorses but also not as easy as mushrooms. But it would be incredibly colorful and could be very striking...a real showpiece.




Oh, and here is one possible source for the dendros:



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I'm thirding the mushroom tank thing ^_^ Sounds easy and low light. Would/should yumas do okay in it? I put a couple of half dead ones that were getting too much light in my main tank in there, and got a loose one earlier to try. Just any random shrooms I find, or are there certain ones to stick away from(not including rhodactis, since they get big enough that they could eat my pet rats >_>)

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