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No Scientific Name


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If something does not have a scientific name - how does it get one? Can we just make one up, or does somone have to do lots of research and plop it into a catagory?



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I think alot of research needs to be done to find out all of the classification data up to the genus. But then the species name is usually based on the name of the person who discovered it or based on a descriptive characteristic of the species.

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I've got a few books on corals.....quite a few actually and I can usually find everything in them. To be 100% sure on some oddities you need to do a bit of research but finding the general family isn't really to hard.


I find the atlas' by Debelius and Baensch very helpful and the Jen Veron Corals of the World (1-3) very nice too.





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the Family, genus and species is generaly set in stone for 99 % of the known things on earth. the ACTUAL variation of species that does NOT have a name is just referred to as "VAR." Like Euphillia Sp. or Catalaphyllia jardinei VAR. as there are a few color morphs.

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Tulip Anemone is what has no scientific name. At least in this community and RC. Nor does the Dr over at rc know.

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A taxonomic specialist describes new species, genera, and so forth. Depending on the "new" organisms affinity with other species it will be placed in a genus or a new one will be created. This was based on phenotypic characters historically, but more and more work is being done to confirm specific and generic status genetically.


You CANNOT name a species after yourself. Species that have scientists names in them are usually done so to honor contributions of past scientists. Fortunately, this tradition is falling by the way side and more usefull descriptive names are being created.

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