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Filtration for FO or FOWLR tank.


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I'm going to be setting up an Eclipse System 12, and was thinking about going Fish Only for now, to save on Live Rock costs. I'm on a pretty tight budget, but really want to start a tank. My questions are:


1. If I have a 12gal FO setup, what kind of filter setup will I need?


2. If I have a FOWLR setup, but with minimal live rock, such as only 5-7lbs... what kind of extra filtration would I need?


I'm also planning on using Live Sand in the bottom either way.



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the eclipse (any bio-wheel) is very efficient for a FO. it depends on what kind of fish (metabolism, size, & diet) but generally the bio-wheel is sufficient. if you want coral and stuff then it becomes a different story.


thru no guidelines other than my own "monkey-see, monkey-do", i usually gauge it at around 50gph per small fish for hob filters. real fuzzy guidelines, i know but hey, it's individual systems, individual fish, and individual hobbyists. and those are cumulative variables btw. ;) hth

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Alright, I checked Marineland.com and it says the Eclipse 12 is certified for 150gph. So I figure, with the stock bio-wheel filter, approx. 5lbs of LR, some LS in the bottom, I should be fine to keep 2 perc clowns and some hermits...

Anyone disagree? Please tell me... I could be missing something.




[ Edit ]


One more quick question... this tank used to be a FW tank. Do I need to clean out the Bio-wheel, and add a new cartridge before I switch to SW?




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whoa, waitaminute. that 50gph is just something i dreamt up in an iodine stupor and use for myself. i don't want you to hang your setup on that and then come back in two months saying i'm an asshat. (which i may be but that shouldn't apply here since i'm putting out a disclaimer first) :P


rinse out the tank if you ever medicated it. i'd soak for a coule of weeks too but that's just me. clean everything out as those bene bacteria aren't the same and you would just be adding crappie to the new sw.

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Hah, I'm not holding you to that as an exact measure... I was just asking if you thought that'd be an ok rate for that tank.



Yeah, I plan on cleaning it out, and probably have to get a new biowheel, or cleaning it out thoroughly... maybe letting it cycle through for a bit longer...



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