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[URGENT!] Sixline Attacking my two clownfish that I got today


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Hello everyone,

My tank is 3 months old. I added my sixline 2 months ago. I just added my two clownfish extra small (one is an inch long and the other is 1.5 inches long).


My sixline wihchi s about 2.5 inches long and is pretty big compared to my clownfish, but he keeps on attacking my clownfish. I have to keep poking my finger at the glass so my sixline won't attack it. What should I do?


I was told that I should put in the sixline first and then the clownfish since clownfish are more territorial then the sixline.


I have a 14 gallon biocube. I know that I'm pushing it in terms of how man fish i have in my tank but I plan to do weekly water changes to make sure the amnonia doesn't spike up.


I am afraid that my sixline will kill my clownfish so I really need people's input fast. Thanks!


Worried fishowner....

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6lines are MEAN... Everybody on here sees them and thinks "oh thats pretty and everyone has them => good fish" NO!


Mine ended up living in my sump for like 3 weeks until I sold him. Same problem, was attacking my clowns. They get vicious territorial.


Remove him or the clowns. I had mine kill one clown!


Others might say Re-Aquascape so he looses his territorialness, I did that and it did not work at all. Evict the 6-line terrorist.


Here is my thread that was the exact same as yours:


Edited by jafoca
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6lines are MEAN... Everybody on here sees them and thinks "oh thats pretty and everyone has them => good fish" NO!


Mine ended up living in my sump for like 3 weeks until I sold him. Same problem, was attacking my clowns. They get vicious territorial.


Remove him or the clowns. I had mine kill one clown!


Others might say Re-Aquascape so he looses his territorialness, I did that and it did not work at all. Evict the 6-line terrorist.



Awww....man...I really like my sixline. He's a good fish until the clowns came.


I was worried that would be the response. I was hoping that somehow, they can like each other and live together. There must be some other resort rather than removing them.


Has others had the same experience? Should I just turn off my lights early so that they can sleep it over and hopefully next morning, they can exist together?


any input would be greatly appreciated.

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if you added the sixline last it would have worked out, the clowns wouldnt have touched him, since you did it the other way around, try re-aquascaping i know people it's worked with, otherwise decide which you like more, and get rid of the other.



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Guess you got a bastard fish. My 6-line is tolerant of and tolerated by all. Wide spectrum of behaviours can be seen in the same species. Try the rearanging the rockwork trick... can't hurt.

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Awww....man...I really like my sixline. He's a good fish until the clowns came.


I was worried that would be the response. I was hoping that somehow, they can like each other and live together. There must be some other resort rather than removing them.


Has others had the same experience? Should I just turn off my lights early so that they can sleep it over and hopefully next morning, they can exist together?


any input would be greatly appreciated.



I added my six line about a month before my two true percs and had absolutely no problems. He keeps to himself most of the time. He has just recently been picking on my small true perc (because my other one died), but he doesn't seem to mean any harm...just seems to poke the percula around.


Regardless, I love my six line. He's entertaining to watch around the tank. Never really had any problems in my 20H. You might want to give it the night and see what happens.

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Guess you got a fish. My 6-line is tolerant of and tolerated by all. Wide spectrum of behaviours can be seen in the same species. Try the rearanging the rockwork trick... can't hurt.



Should I just rearrange a few rocks? I can move a few rocks.


I don't want to reaquascape my entire tank. It's going to be a real headache.

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just make a few new caves to test it out...sounds like he pretty p*ssed though but it wont hurt



Thanks for all your responses! That was really quick.


My clownfishes are up at the top near the front right corner. Both of them are just swimming together side by side. Pretty cute.


Seems like my sixline is not bothering them anymore, but it looks like he is just looking for some food. Or maybe I am sitting right in front of the tank waiting make sure the sixline doesn't attack it. I'll try to post some pictures.


Any other suggestions?

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Thanks for all your responses! That was really quick.


My clownfishes are up at the top near the front right corner. Both of them are just swimming together side by side. Pretty cute.


Seems like my sixline is not bothering them anymore, but it looks like he is just looking for some food. Or maybe I am sitting right in front of the tank waiting make sure the sixline doesn't attack it. I'll try to post some pictures.


Any other suggestions?





more pics!



more pics!



pics of sixline attacking clowns!








Edited by jcvkang
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more pics!

pics of sixline attacking clowns!







i removed some rocks and moved them around.


the actinic lights are on now


less attacking, but still doing it.


i'm just afraid that tomorrow when i go to work and when i come back, i am going to see 2 dead clownfish floating atop or my hermits are eating them. i want to prevent that from happening. this really sucks...

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I just added a perc to my 20L where a sixline was the only fish. He attacked for about 24 hours and now all is well.


Hope it settles down for you too.



when he attacked, did the clownfish get bruised?


because my clownfish are pretty small compared to the sixline.


how was the attacking done because if it is 24 hours then i am going to leave it overnight and all day tomorrow and hopefully they will be okay wheni come back from work.

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when he attacked, did the clownfish get bruised?


because my clownfish are pretty small compared to the sixline.


how was the attacking done because if it is 24 hours then i am going to leave it overnight and all day tomorrow and hopefully they will be okay wheni come back from work.



do local fish stores trade fishes?


i might think about trading my current sixline with another sixline that is smaller so that there will be no more fighting.


has anyone gone in and traded a fish for another fish?

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That's interesting that someone told you to get the sixline first. I would have said the clownfish first.


Anyway, you will inevitably get territorial fish considering it's a relatively small volume of water for three fish. Water changes may keep the nitrates down but that doesn't change the amount of space each fish has!


The fact that your sixline is so much bigger poses an issue too. There's a bully in every sixline....and pretty much all fish in general. :P


If you reeeeeeeaaaally want this to work out, what I would try is to separate the two fish species in different containers (maybe different tanks?) and leave them there for as long as can be, rearrange all rock work in the main tank and then reintroduce them at once, or let the clownfish establish their territory first before the sixline but this could take days or weeks.


Or exchange your sixline for a smaller one? Get bigger clowns? Good luck!

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That's interesting that someone told you to get the sixline first. I would have said the clownfish first.


Anyway, you will inevitably get territorial fish considering it's a relatively small volume of water for three fish. Water changes may keep the nitrates down but that doesn't change the amount of space each fish has!


The fact that your sixline is so much bigger poses an issue too. There's a bully in every sixline....and pretty much all fish in general. :P


If you reeeeeeeaaaally want this to work out, what I would try is to separate the two fish species in different containers (maybe different tanks?) and leave them there for as long as can be, rearrange all rock work in the main tank and then reintroduce them at once, or let the clownfish establish their territory first before the sixline but this could take days or weeks.


Or exchange your sixline for a smaller one? Get bigger clowns? Good luck!



I might consider trying to take out my sixline and replacing him with another one, but smaller and put them all in the tank at the same time or put the clowns in there first before putting the sixline.


does anyone know now how to take out the sixline? i think this is going to be a difficult task considering that the sixline is the master of crevices and caves which my tank has a lot of. i don't want to take out my rocks to get the fish. that would be my last resort.


i was thinking of putting some brine/mysis shrimp inside a net and have the fish grab the food inside the net. has anyone done that before and it worked?


btw, who wants the sixline? mine is very healthy and active. he loves looking for little pods and worms to eat. i hate to lose him, but if he is going to bully my clowns then he must go.

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Helfrichs Chick

I have had a sixline in just about every tank and they were always so peacefull doing their own thing.


This may or may not work for you as your rock structure might not allow but.....


Can you get a peice of that egg crate stuff, and section off the clowns or the sixline. I would section off the sixline. Let the clowns get adjusted to their new tank. This usually takes a week or so. IME. Changing the rockwork will help, but my bet is once your clowns (which are aggressive damselfish) get comfy, they will be able to defend themselves. Other than that I would take the six back and trade him. I have never had an aggressive sixline.

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I have had a sixline in just about every tank and they were always so peacefull doing their own thing.


This may or may not work for you as your rock structure might not allow but.....


Can you get a peice of that egg crate stuff, and section off the clowns or the sixline. I would section off the sixline. Let the clowns get adjusted to their new tank. This usually takes a week or so. IME. Changing the rockwork will help, but my bet is once your clowns (which are aggressive damselfish) get comfy, they will be able to defend themselves. Other than that I would take the six back and trade him. I have never had an aggressive sixline.



what would be the best way to take the sixline out of my tank without removing the rocks? my last resort is to move rocks.


any input is greatly appreciated like always.

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what would be the best way to take the sixline out of my tank without removing the rocks? my last resort is to move rocks.


any input is greatly appreciated like always.



a fish trap. Otherwise prepare for a fight!

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Calm down, calm down. I take it that this is your first saltwater fish or first fish tank right? Nothing is going to die immediately yet. Your 6 line wrasse is really big, too big compare to the baby clowns. I think the best way is to take it back to LFS and trade it back. 6 line wrasse cost around 20 bucks right? maybe you can give the lfs another 10 bucks or so to trade that one for a tiny one. Small 6 line wrasse are better looking ( its stomach isn't so big and the body is proportional IMO). It is always nicer to see a young fish grow up in your tank. But before you trade the fish, change the rock or petition the tank or something. If nothing work, trade it. If you can't net the fish then, take out the rock to get it. The best time to take out the rock to the the fish is at night when they are sleep. I saw alot of people do this with 6 line wrasse.

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Calm down, calm down. I take it that this is your first saltwater fish or first fish tank right? Nothing is going to die immediately yet. Your 6 line wrasse is really big, too big compare to the baby clowns. I think the best way is to take it back to LFS and trade it back. 6 line wrasse cost around 20 bucks right? maybe you can give the lfs another 10 bucks or so to trade that one for a tiny one. Small 6 line wrasse are better looking ( its stomach isn't so big and the body is proportional IMO). It is always nicer to see a young fish grow up in your tank. But before you trade the fish, change the rock or petition the tank or something. If nothing work, trade it. If you can't net the fish then, take out the rock to get it. The best time to take out the rock to the the fish is at night when they are sleep. I saw alot of people do this with 6 line wrasse.



thanks for all the inputs.


you are right, this is my first tank and i am learning a lot right now.


actually, my sixline was really small when i got it 2 months ago, but it got pretty big the last couple of months. it was pretty cute when i first got it, but now it doesn't look that cute anymore. i still like it and hate to lose it but for the sake of my tank i might need to get rid of it and get a smaller one later after the clowns have adjusted to the tank.


currently, my clowns are in my little 3.5 gallon deco tank. i need to find someon who will buy the fish or if i could trade it. i'll keep everyone updated on what i end up doing.


i'll try to catch the fish today after work. it's going to be a battle, but we'll see who wins today :)

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thanks for all the inputs.


you are right, this is my first tank and i am learning a lot right now.


actually, my sixline was really small when i got it 2 months ago, but it got pretty big the last couple of months. it was pretty cute when i first got it, but now it doesn't look that cute anymore. i still like it and hate to lose it but for the sake of my tank i might need to get rid of it and get a smaller one later after the clowns have adjusted to the tank.


currently, my clowns are in my little 3.5 gallon deco tank. i need to find someon who will buy the fish or if i could trade it. i'll keep everyone updated on what i end up doing.


i'll try to catch the fish today after work. it's going to be a battle, but we'll see who wins today :)



Good News! I called the LFS where i got my sixline and explained my situation and they said that it would be alright if I brought my fish in to trade for another sixline.


now the hard part. trying to get him out of my tank...

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