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how do i know ???


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hi all,


finally got a 80 gallon tank and all is set and running fine.


recently i got these button polyps. the majority have seemed to open up fine from the first day, but some have not opened up yet.


i acclimated them for 40 minutes by dripping water into the bag.


nitrate 25 mg / l

ph 8.0

SG 1.022

10000 k for 9 hours.

temp 25.5 degree celcius.

water flow medium.


i just want to know how can i make out that these zoo'a are happy and when by when should they start multiplying ??? will the turbo snalis do any harm to the polyps ??? it has been moving on them from the day i bought them.


they did not take in any of the flakes or brine shrimp that i offered them. please advise.


i dose iodine and strontium as mentioned on the seachem bottle.


P.S. the yellow tang is doing great and is eating well without any diseases. thanx to all for the help and guidance.


thanx for the help again.



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i am adding the buffers and stuff to get it to stick to the 8.0 ph, but it often falls.


do you think that the polyps and the fish will be happy if i take the SG to 1.024 or 1.025


someone posted telling me that they could be a bit stressed out if i took the PH too high, but i would follow whats best for the fish and the polyps also start multiplying.


how long have your polyps taken to start multiplying, from the time you got them to your tank ???


anyways thanks for the help.


waiting for more feedback.



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Buttons can take time to open.


Do a few more waterchanges to see if you cna get the nitrtes down to less than 10 ppm or else nusance algaes can grow fast out and cause problems soon for you.

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thanx for the help.


in india we only get the coral blue lights. can i use this. it is from azoo.



i am using ro water and the nitrate from that direct is 12.5 ,, so can only get it to 12.5 max. will do a water change. as for the algae, the turbo snails are there clean the thing up and i regularly clean the glass.


can the turbo snails do harm to the polyps ???


one more correction is that only SOME of the polyps have not opened, but the others have opened.


and also i wanted to know how long will it be that they start multiplying.


hey guys, thanx for the help once again.



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Turbo snails won't do any harm to the polyps, or anything else for that matter. They will likely crawl over them, causing the polyps to close up, but they should open back up shortly after the snail moves on.


The chances are all the polyps will open soon. If they don't though, then you might want to try repositioning the rock. Perhaps one side is getting more or less light, or more or less current. Basically see if the section where the polyps are open is different than the section of them that isn't open. Also, are there any other corals near the zoos? I've had some polyps remain closed because other nearby corals were bothering them, so this is also something to possibly consider if they don't all open.


As to when the zoos will start to multiply, if conditions are good, then you should start seeing noticeable growth (new buds forming at the base) within a couple weeks. It won't happen overnight, so patience is a key. :)

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