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Cultivated Reef

AC 110/500 for trade READ POST


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I have a used, heavly modified (went to town with a dremel) AC 110 that was modified to be a HOB refugium. I personally have found it to be more hassle due to the limited space of my AP24. There is a hole in the lid of the AC 110 that was cut for the Coralife PC 18w light. All the baskets have been tossed, some pieces of a cd case have been super glued on the outflow to direct it into my main display. A piece of the outflow lip was cut to fit in the back. Ill post pictures later.


Not asking for much for the AC110, but if you want the light as well we can negotiate.


Looking for cash or corals, Cash around 50 for everything including the light. Or 2-3 frags fo rare zoas is preferable. Anyways im a reasonable guy so make your offers please.

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Location? I'm interested if local to LA (socal)


located in sacramento only 8 hours away. let me know if you are still willing, im sure we can work something out.

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