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How to feed live sand and rock?


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I am starting a new 20h Nano tonight and wondered how (and what) does live rock and sand eat?


I want a few clusters of rock with some corals and I want to keep a somewhat open swimming area for the Angel.


Also, how large of a powerhead and heater will I need?




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"tempting is the darkside but one must resist"



um, you don't need to 'feed' live rock or live sand (LR/LS). they're 'live' due to the nano/microfauna that live on them (i.e. bacteria, microworms, etc.). the first thing you have to do when starting a tank is "wait". the tank will cycle into a habitable level on its own.


there's a number of articles in the information tab at the top of the page. they can help you step by step, starting up. welcome to reefing! :)

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ok, you.....aw never mind. too easy.



Do as tiny says. Wait out the cycle and don't worry about feeding the rock or sand. Be careful as the rock bites and live sand moves around a lot and might end up trying to eat the rock. Ok, sorry, I got it out of my system. I just couldn't resist.

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Hey Alanna, Congrat on the new tank! And welcome to the sometimes brutally sarcastic nano crowd........BTW, you might try a small spoon or fork, they have really small mouths

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The real answer to the question is that the animals in the live rock and sand consume the photosynthetic life that also comes with the rock. Once you get inhabitants and start feeding them, what doesn't get eaten by them will be finshed off by the detrivores in the rock and sand.

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errrr... Crak waddya mean? You don't feed Live Rock and Live Sand!?


Damn! and C-Mark just sold me a 10# bag of Purina LR/LS Chow!!! And I could have used that $50 for beers. Damn. B)


onthefly... The avatar my man... Is that a close up of your 'good swimmer'? ;)

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Okay, I feel better now.


To check out the life on your live rock, wait a couple of hours after all the lights are off in your house and shine a flashlight into the tank and on the rocks. You'll be amazed at what comes out when it's dark. Freaky looking things in the tank. Thankfully they hide during the day and I try not to think about them when my hands are in the tank for maintenence.

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Ok ok ok . . . I'm glad I was able to crack everyone up. :)


I know that you don't actually 'feed' lr/ls.


I guess what I was trying to ask was while the tank is cycling and there are no fish, inverts, whatever to feed, how do the living organisms in the rock/sand stay alive?


They have to have some kind of sustanance, right? Or are they able to survive indefinately without nutrients?


I told you, I'm new to this.



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I think we all understood the question and I'm sorry if our jokes upset you but it's the feeding live rock question that gets us the most riled up as we are not a very mature, understanding lot.


That said, the critters in the sand and rock live off of a variety of things and you shouldn't be concerned with feeding them during the cycling period. Marc Weiss sells some powders that he claims are excelllent food sources for various live rock critters that normally die during the cycle period. I don't know how good the stuff is and I am not recommending it, just alerting you to it's existence. Personally, I would avoid feeding the tank during the cycle.

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hey OnTheFly, isnt that avatar ecoli-0157?? If not, whatever it is...Iv'e seen that image before but cant quite place it.

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If I remember correctly, that avatar is from the movie "Outbreak" which stars Dustin Hoffman and Rene Russo. That was the virus in the movie. Probably based on something like Hantavirus or Ebola.

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I took no offense to the comments. :) I giggled myself as I was reading the replies. ;)


Anyway, thanks for the info. I'm hoping to get my live rock/sand this weekend.


I'm thinking of ordering it from www.marinedepotlive.com. They have a special going on 44# cured Fiji rock INCLUDING shipping for 149.95. Can't beat that with a stick!


I've got a lfs that has some really nice established live sand for 1.99/lb.


Thanks again!



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Also, you may want to think twice before throwing a saltwater angel into a 20 gallon tank. They get BIG and need room to swim. They also like to nibble on that 40 dollar coral you just brought home. :)


Go with something cheaper and easier. Like a small school of green chromis or maybe a clown or something like that.



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