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Bye bye Nanoreefs


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Well, it's been a good 1.5years of nano-reefing but last night the heater didn't work right and my temp raised up to 95 degrees. I lost basically everything in my tank and being only 16 it'll cost too much to start it back up so i'm throwing down the towel. It's been great, but i'm going to take a break for now. I might set up a smaller tank again later or maybe a fish only, or clown pair w/ anemone tank. I know I haven't been posting a lot in the past months due to school but I guess i'll still hang around the board and help out the new people. Thanks everyone who helped me out when I first started.


Look in the selling forums for some of the equiptment i'm not using anymore.


Corals I lost:



Valida - tan w/ purple tips

Aspera - purple

Formosa - solid baby blue , blue tip , green

Albrohensis - green

Humilis - purple , neon green

Unknowns - tricolor purple tip with green polys, some green tip bottlebush.



Capricornis - green , orange , green w/ blue rim

Digitata -green , orange , yellow



Descusata - red

Cactus - tan



damicornis - pink tip



Pistillata - pink


Massive green frogspawn with purple tips

8" green tree coral.

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Condolenscences nanoreefer,


it is frustrating that the equivalent of a couple of hundred bucks worth of delicate livestock is at the mercy of a 10 dollar heater.


Do stick around. You don't have to have a reef to be a reefer y'know...

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ouch! damn, that was a nice tank too! :(


how about FOWLR? it doesn't have to be $$$. fish and shrimp will still get an interest from the babes. ;)

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PS: still love ya. :happy: Don't be a stranger. You can still run it as a FOWLR. the LR and sand and stuff can make amazing bounce backs.

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I had a heater die on me too. While I was vacation too. It stopped working though. I lost all of my fish and corals due to the cold. As soon as I got everything happy again my tank crashed again. This time I think it was chemical warfare brought on by me breaking up with my ex gf.


Don't give up yet. You already have everything you need so why quit?

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Sorry to hear that. I think you should post a pic of your tank as it was in its former glory.


It really sucks, but hope you dont give up completly. See you around.

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geeze, sorry to hear that!!!I fell sorry for u too, as a student myself i understand the money issue, and i have 2 jobs. First we lose Ross ( i didnt mind that) and now u?!?! this is sad. Well i hope u stay around.

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I think i'm going to start up a fish only tank or just a tank with a pair of clowns and an anemone. I would try again but money is a big big issue because as u noticed I had a pretty nice sized collection of SPS that were doing so well. Don't worry, i'll stick around the board to help out people.


agh, i'm missing SPS already !

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That sucks dude. At first when I saw this I thought it was an April Fools joke but I see you have stuff for sale in the classifids so I guess not.

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FWIW, I go completely heaterless and have never had any problems summer or winter, as long as my house temp stays the same. My condolences, I'm sure you must feel terrible about losing it. From what I remember, it was a beautiful tank!

Take care-


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Christopher Marks

Sorry to hear of your loss :(


Hopefully you have some recent photos to remember. Please stick around the site if you can! We'll still let you in with a fowlr ;) and I'm sure the LR and LS will survive.

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Not sure if i have any updated pics. I'll look around on my other comp. I was really waiting for the 1 year birtday to take and post up a bunch of pics (April 23) but I guess I shoulda taken more earlier. O well, i'll post up what I can later. Thanks everyone for your support. I'll let u all know when I set up a fowlr or somethin.

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I know how hard this must be i live in the uk only 15 and it has took me a year to get £150 with my paper round. I think i will invest in a digital themom with alarm.


p.s your tank sounded great you definetly must of been prosporous :)

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deacon hemp

sorry to hear nano,your tank was one of the ones i saw when i first got started.imo 1 of the best!thats also one of the things i fear most!!!

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kevin brocato

Sorry to hear about your loss. Let me offer a suggestion to anybody on this site. When the Spring and Summer seasons come I would suggest taking out your heaters altogether. When daytime temps outside hit 80 and nights are around 60 pull that sucker out. The temp in your house should be steady and warm enough especially in the Summer thanks to Central AC and Heat and ceiling fans. My heater never came on from April- October so I took it out to be safe. Of course I live in LA. and with the Northern state guys the situation might be different. Just a suggestion.

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It was a Visitherm heater. I've always had great success with them in my years of fish keeping. This one worked great for over a year but for some reason it didn't turn off that one time. Don't ever buy stuff because it's cheaper, cuz u get what u pay for.

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dang man, sorry to hear buddy. you have everything you need to start a new tank man. i am sure i could swing you some frags in the fall when it is cooler and you hvae the tank going good again. thinkg about it!! you just pay shipping :D



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My uncle is going to give me his fast @ss anemone so i'll just go for that and a pair of clowns for now. Too much money to get back into SPS.


Breaking news

In addition to the clam that spawned 4 days ago, now my 1.5year old yellow montipora is spawning. This is like the bottom 1" of the colony that didn't bleach that I fragged off. Some of the polyps are really fat and some have already begun to show the white spheres within the polyps ready to release them. What really sucks though is that I lent my digi cam to my friend so I can't take a pic. Hopefully it can wait another night till I get my cam back.

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Sorry to hear about the loss Dude. Hang in there! If you haven't broken down your tank yet, like others have suggested, the LR and LS can be salvaged plus all your equipment. A species tank (i.e. clown and anemone only) like you mentioned is a real possibility - even now.



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Christopher Marks
Originally posted by NanoReefer53

It was a Visitherm heater. I've always had great success with them in my years of fish keeping. This one worked great for over a year but for some reason it didn't turn off that one time. Don't ever buy stuff because it's cheaper, cuz u get what u pay for.

I had the same problem with my visitherm heater about 2 years ago on my 7.5. It brought the tank up to 95F. Luckily everything survived. That's when I moved to Ebo Jager.
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Just an insight for heaters...i did a little research while I was looking for a heater for my FW tank. I found out that Tronic's heaters if ever malfunction they will never malfucntion by staying on but acutally when it usually malfunctions it will just never turn on...so usually just a daily check of the temp...i mean everyone stares at any tank for hours haha just my .02 cents

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