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Top Shelf Aquatics

noob that will lurk no more...

Newton Heath

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Newton Heath

First off, let me say this is a great site WRT discussion and dissemination of knowledge. Without the input from all the regulars (and not so regulars) the hobby would remain just a fascination to most people, and more than likely, a disappointment to those frantically trying to find their way in the dark. Keep up the good work.


I'm a noob trying to set up a 30G reef. I've gone for the larger end on the nano scale as I know it will take a while for me to fully learn and understand the changes in water chemistry that are going to happen along the way and the size will at least be a small buffer to avoid some little mistakes.


I intend to go completely reef once I am comfortable with fish and inverts (in the region of 6 months to 1 year in) and add some as of yet undecided corals. I feel I will have sufficient lighting for most corals.


Also, I don't intend to overload the tank so I can keep it as simple as possible from a technical (equipment) standpoint (OPINION ALERT: per Chris's and some other peoples "opinion" [now I write this, it sounds bizarre referencing other people I have never met or spoken to :D]). This is not due to not wanting to maintain the items, but a willingness to substitute less life form density for a more natural approach so bear this in mind if you answer - I don't want 100 tank mates if I need a big filter hanging on the back or underneath.


As far as fish go, I want to keep a couple of tank raised false percs, a royal gramma and a banggai (various spellings abound) cardinal.


I'd like a couple of shrimp, perhaps two skunk cleaners but will do 1 if space is an issue. I also want some scarlet hermits and various snails. As far as these go, it seems some people use them to clear algae and that's all. I like that, but also appreciate the fact that they contribute to the mini eco system. My question is, how many snails and crabs? I know that mid to late cycle I might want to introduce some cleanup crew to help with algae. I also know that I can't add them at once. Should I just play it by ear?


My other question is, if I get the cardinal, will my shrimp survive? I read in some of the common literature (OPINION ALERT: CMA and Natural Reef Aquariums are great) that they might find shrimp a tasty treat. Also, I understand that cardinal's will fair better in a group, so will 1 be happy on his own? If the cardinal is out of the question, it there anything smaller that will play nice with the percs?


Also, I'm guessing it might be taboo, but are there any sites anyone can point me at that can recommend a good LFS in the Boston area for good live rock and sand? Not just for stuff, but for advice too :)


Any gaping holes in my startup setup? I'm planning on doing a 10-15% change a week once cycled to keep water quality in tip top shape.


Tank specs (still waiting on a few more parts before I put it all together and buy the rock and sand):


30G seaclear acrylic


- 50W Proheat titanium

- 100W Proheat titanium

- 150W Proquatic hydrosafe (backup)

Test kits for:

- Ammonia

- Chlorine

- Nitrite/Nitrate

- pH

Glass thermometer

Seatest hydrometer (should I calibrate this?)

Penguin 1140 300GPH powerhead for circulation

Aquatic reef system 4 stage 50GPD RO/DI

Instant Ocean salt

Pet Supply Liquidator Ultrareef 29" lighting 3x55W 50/50's

45lb Pacific LR

2-3" live sand base

Aquac Remora with MJ1200 and pre-skimmer

(also another heater and powerhead for mixing and aging water)


Oh, and when my wife complains in a few months that all I do is talk about anything fish, I'll point her at you lot! :P

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Good that you stepped into the light Newton Heath,


and know that you are not alone


The above link should be usefu, and will provide a number of recommended LFS's for Boston area.


I am officially outside of the 30 mile radius that allows people living in MA to say they are 'from Boston'

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Bucket o Chum

No don't listen to drdrew he does not speak the truth cardinals are very social and will get along with shrimp unless the cardinal fish is 3" and the shrimp 1/4".

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Newton Heath

It's funny palaegic, as I'd seen the Boston reefer logo alot in the last couple of months while I'd been lurking here but it wasn't until I did a search here for Boston after I posted that I got a link for them :blush:


Thanks :)

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