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Cultivated Reef

Strange behavior of Six-Line Wrasse


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Yesterday, I received a six line wrasse via overnight FedEx delivery and since acclimating it to my quarantine tank, it has been lying down on the bottom — mostly on its side, sometimes completely upside down. It wriggles around a little but is not hyperventilating. It made it through the night, but doesn't seem to be any better today. I'm keeping it in near darkness following recommended treatment for stressed fish. Has anyone had this experience or anything like it before? Any advice would be VERY welcomed. Thanks

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is normal. Give him time. Once he gets established to a tank with hiding places he will feel more confortable and act more like a fish.

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Had the same thing happen with an old girlfriend. She moved in and soon she was lying down and wiggling. Something to do with the pizza boxes and beer cans I think. She complained of dizziness too. I ended up not being able to dry out my sweat socks after my runs by stuffing them into the bedroom heat vents.


Hey. If she could hang her private gear on MY shower rod I should be able to dry socks in the heat vent, right?


In the end. It didn't work out. Hope things go better for you and your wrasse. B)

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  • 5 months later...

This is common for fish during transport. If you get the chance, see if you can visit a LFS when they recieve a shipment. It is not uncommon to have to "poke" a fish or chase it around to get it going again. Shipping them stresses them out very much. You will see that not all fish hop out of the bag eager to swim.

This is not to say chase your fish around the tank, its just an example that this kind of thing happens, and at the extreme the fish store owner needs to intervene and get the fish going again.

the sixline I have notice seeks shelter inside of rocks throughout the day. If you still have it in the quarantine tank, place a rock if you have one in there for shelter. It will help it feel more comfortable and safe. This should help it adjust again.

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