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SPS Under PC's


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Of all the people I have asked, half of them have said SPS (particularily Monitpora Digitata) are great under PC's, and half of them say no way. I would very much like to try some digitata in my tank. My lights are 55w 6400k and 55w Actinic 03, the tank is 10g standard. Arguements for or against are very welcome.

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go for it. monti's should grow under that lighting. I had good success with monti cap and dig under 32w 50/50 pc lighting in my 7 gallon.


ask around and you might find someone willing to snap a frag off for you.

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I housed a Digi for someone on this site in my 12 gallon w/ 64W of PC. The thing was sitting on the bottom of my tank and was growing quite well, while it waited for its rightful owner to take 'em. I also have a monti cap (which sits 4 or so inches from the surface) that is growing pretty well -approx doubled in size, so at the least I can say that it is happy.

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You're fine. Montipora, Pocillopora, Hyndophora, Pavona, and certain Acros have all grown very well for me under PCs (and with less light than you, no less). Obviously MH is far better for SPS, and you won't be able to keep the crazy colored stuff, but to say no way on SPS under PCs just aint right.

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Growth will not be as robust, nor will they grow super fast.

Watching CA and alk is key here.




Matt, I have some faith in you.... don't blow it.. :D

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My acros under PC's did ok. they didn't grow but they didn't die. I tried some monties but they didn't do well and died in 2 weeks.

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I was given a Green Montipora by a local reefer as an experiment to see if it would stay green over time. I wasn't even sure if it would live let alone stay green, but it has in fact stayed green, and grown quite a bit in 4 months. Here is an animated gif showing how much it has grown in that time.





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schwing! :P


i think deezreef's tank was a very good (if not perfect) example of successfully raising sps under pc's.


however, like dave says, each individual's success is very much dependent upon the skill/knowledge and commitment (my add-on) in order to successfully raise any coral/livestock.

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Seriata Hysterics (or something like that). Its a brown birdsnest coral with sort of a green sheen to it. I have been growing that under 18 watts. Now its under 110 watts and going nuts. Its doing better than my montiporas in the same tank.




Acropora + 18 watts = an expensive piece of chalk.;)

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Montipora Dig. grows fine under PC's. I had some acro frags under 2x32PC's in a 10 gal and they barely grew, even with auto top off with kalk. Once they went into my 65 under 4x96PC's they started to color up slightly, and began to branch. Popped in my MH and VHO and the difference in growth alone on the acros was astounding and immediate: more growth in one month under halides than I got in a whole year under the PC's, and the coloring has been getting progressively better.


In contrast, there has not been as much acceleration in growth with the monti dig.s in that tank compared to the PC's

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heres my 2 cents for ya gil try mounting it horizontally. you will get more growth and it will spread out like a true colony and not a true boner ^^. but thats some real nice growth. good luck

currently mounted like this





try to mount it like this




it will grow like this

! ! !


read somewhere that when a piece breaks off it most likely land horizontally and that is how the heads of acro get their natural looking shape.

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I have green monti digi under 2X55W in my 20. I also have a green slimer frag (acro). They both have new growth on them in just the few weeks I've kept them. They are, of course, on the top of the reef closest to the light.


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Brooklyn Johnny

I grow pocillopora (green and pink in pic), many acros (green stag and green slimer in pic growing okay), hydnophora, three digitatas (purple tip in pic on right), orange cap, and others with good results. The half that say no way are 100% wrong... in the words of Garth... "Way!":D Of course you could argue growth rates and color... but put em close to the light and take care of your tank and you could do it...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Poorman

My personal opinion is that growth has more to do with water quality than lighting, but thats just my 2 cents.


I'll agree here on water quality, with particular emphasis on maintaining calcium levels and stable parameters. IE: kalkwasser topoff. I get the same amount, if not more, growth on montipora digitata frags in my 10 gal frag tank with 3x32 PC's vs. my 65 gal with 2x175 MH and 2x95 VHO. Not as much competing for the supplements in the smaller tank, I guess.


Color is another issue, though.


I can't remember where I read it, but I recall that someone posted that leather corals in the same tank as SPS cause them to retain more of a brown color. Given that most nanos are mixed reef tanks, since we crave diversity, that may be another factor to consider.

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I've got a few purple montipora frags in my 5 gallon under 52 watts of PC. After about 4 months they've grown a little bit and are mostly brown now with only the tips still purple. They also show LOTS of polyp extension as they try to gather more light.


So far so good I guess...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone think that SPS can thrive and have Good growth (not just okay or surviving), with a 3x65 on a 20 gallon? I feel that if I am to grow SPS/Clams I want to GROW them not just keep them alive. I don't feel it is right to throw High light needing animals in a 20 with 2x65. What are your opinions? I just do not have the space in my set up for halides.

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I was wondering what would cause some frags of digi to bleach out? I had a few under my 2x36w pc's and after a month and were doing fine, i came home and they were bleached out. it looks as though there is still some life in it and polyps peak out but nothing in the last week. thought this would be a good place to post sorry if i take away from the main topic.

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Brooklyn Johnny

Lunch said it... when mentioning bleaching or RTN it's almost like saying "I came home and found my roomate dead... what gives?" What helps is when you truly get to know your tank and can try and correlate a death with a change in the tank. I will say that it's typical with sps sometimes to bleach out under different lighting as it adapts. As long as the polyps are still alive leave it alone. My green pocillopora originally did that when I got it and then adapted and came back very nicely.



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I have nearly the same tank and lighting setup you do (10g aga with 55wx2 pc (10,000 and actinic). I keep acros, montis, millepora (which doesn't look good for some reason) and pocillopora.

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