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Coral Vue Hydros



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I've been trying to get one for quite some time. A few shipments ago a local reef store actually got 30 in. I slept in and within 5mins they were all gone. The last few shipments haven't contained any and no other local reef shops had any. Finally in today's 700 pc sale there was one.


This is the first coral (invert i know) that I've actually had to run for. One guy got in the store before me, but I called the rbta as soon as I walked in so he was mine.


I'm glad its not too big, here is a pick shortly after placing in the tank




He is under a 250de 14k bulb on a rock about halfway up the tank with several holes in it. I re aquascaped the one side of the tank to ensure no corals are near incase it wonders and so that it will have a moderate amount of flow. So far so good. It's been about 8 or 9hrs and its still where I placed it.


I am hoping this guy and his friend host in it



Check out my 112 gallon thread for my other new purchases some great blastos and zoo's.

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Nice looking BTA...


What does a BTA go for in T.O.?


Don't hold your breath that your clowns will host it though.



85, but I did buy a few other things so really 75 or 80.


I'm not going to hold my breath but it sure would be nice if they do.

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