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Innovative Marine Aquariums

External filter as a refugium - pictorial guide


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Well I got started on my 'FilterFuge' today, which consists of an Eheim 2224 external filter and a 10W light. This is to run on my 18 inch cube which runs a closed loop, so a conventional refugium is out of the question. See my thread HERE to see my tank. The sole purpose of this to to grow cheato to reduce nitrates and phosphates. I need to say a BIG thanks to 'Fish' for the idea.


Here's the underside of the pump housing of the 2224:



And the tiny 10W bulb:





This looked the best place to drill the hole:



And with a good splurge of silicone:



And my fingers afterwards!



I'm now waiting for the silicone to dry and will update with more pictures soon.

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I have been seriously considering doing this myself using a magnum filter. Since it is completely clear I can light it from the outside. Great job and thanks for posting this!

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I wasnt happy with the mess of silicone so I've filled the hand hold with silicone. I've also looped the lead for the light into the hand hold so it's more resistant to getting snagged on something.



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interesting, is it going in your stand?


Yes it will do. I'm just going to have it sitting outside the cabinet over night just to check for any leaks.

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Do you have any info on the specrtal output/color temp of the lamp (didn't see any on the site)?


I have no idea. It's a halogen bulb and has a white to yellow light. At a rough guess something arounf 6500K, but I really have no idea.


Nice Job Jemram...

YOu gonna mod a heater also???




I have no need as I'm running an external inline heater.

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Well I know you all think I'm mad, but I added the cheato today.


First here's the unmodded Eheim filter basket. There are two of these in my filter and there is a 2" empty space below them.



To allow more room for the cheato to grow I cut the bottom grate out of the bottom basket:



Here's the bottom basket (not much of a basket now!) installed:



And with cheato added:



And with the top basked installed. Note the hole I've cut to poke the light through into the cheato chamber:



And lastly, all set up and running:



Now I just wait and see how well it grows and monitor my nitrate and phosphate:D

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I think chaeto actually works better in high flow.


I think the idea of this fuge is so that the tank can have a clean look, with no equipment, or even baffles visible.

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I have been thinking about this type of fuge since seeing Chad's version for some time myself for a Nano cube without having to drill the tank itself and just notching the hood out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay, its been a few weeks, how is it going? Any noticable drop in your nitrates or phosphates? How is the cheato growing?


The cheato is about double the size it was when it first went in. Also my nitrates were 20ppm, they are now 5ppm, so it's clearly working.


And my SPS has gone from this:



To this:


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You're not the only one DragonFish! :D I'm curious what other types of small lighting are available? Wonder if a 6500k LED would be better? I guess I'll start searching...

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