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Help, losing hammer coral


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Help, losing hammer coral

help, don't know what happened, yesterday am it was fine, did water changes, tonight I get home from work and it is shriveled up, major skelatin showing, some death on it. all other corals fine, everything opened up. used same water in all 3 tanks, no problems in any other tank.


it is about 9" from 72w of pc on a ten gal tank

water tests


ammonia 0

trite 0

trate 0

calc 450

alk 9.1

ph 8.3

salt 1.023

temp 78

mag 1465

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where do you have it placed in the tank?.. high/mid/low light and flow?


do you dose additives? if so, what, how often, at what dosages?

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Do you have any leathers in there? Sinularia, Capnella, Lemanlia, Nepthea, etc....these are very toxic genera that have chemical defenses to which Euphyllia are VERY sensitive.

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You can, but don't be surprised if the Euphyllia stops opening and dies. They are among the most sensitive LPS to leather chemicals.

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really......i didnt know that...so what can i have in my tank?....shrooms ok?....ricordea?...is that what is affecting my yellow poylps?

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Ricordea are indeed pretty nasty little creatures. Do a little research on chemical defenses and aggressive corals. The interactions are pretty complex. In general leathers and coralimorphs are among the most aggressive.

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IMO once euphyllia detach even a little bit from their skeleton, they are goners. If I buy another Euph sp, I'm going to buy a specimen with at least a few heads for insurance.

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