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Wild glass shrimp? Reef safe?


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Well this summer i caught wild Glass shrimps/common prawn's at the west coast of sweden, ive kept them in a 10g tank now for about 5 months now, of the original batch caught there is a high percentage of them that are still alive. they seem to be very content with the tropical temperatures in the tank.


However due to the tank being a bit bare and some terretorial disputes breaking out, i was wondering if it would be safe to move them to my main 15g reeftank?


Are they reefsafe? and what are the risks of introducing some dangerous pathogen? or is there no more risk of that then buying a new piece of live rock?

And will they get along with my maroon clown and leave the corals alone?

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I put some grass shrimp in my reef tank and they killed my clam. My clown fish ate some smaller ones. As of right now I have 1 in my reef tank.

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and fiercly terretorial.


Battles have recently broken out, ive seen two of the smaller shrimps killed by the largest ones in the last 48 hours.

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