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Coral Vue Hydros

Robster's BC29


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Ok guys , hate to interupt . I just bought a camera ..... so I took a couple of pictures for ya. My biocube and all glass 30 gallon.








Tell me what you think. :happy:

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Ok guys , hate to interupt . I just bought a camera ..... so I took a couple of pictures for ya. My biocube and all glass 30 gallon.



Tell me what you think. :happy:



um......GIVE ME YOUR ROCK... :wub: (drool...drool)


looks really hot! are you using anything to boost the corline??? That looks like true actinic on the top one, no? how do you like it?



Teal- Damsel......your a genius!! :lol::lol: maybe add a royal gramma too so he has a buddy!!!!



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The only thing I use is B-Ioninc. I didn't really have a lot of coraline until I dosed with it. It's a two part system that raises calcium and alkalinity. Marinedepot or Gina's aquarium supply carries it for around 10 bucks for 32 ounces. ;)

Just make sure you do your water tests. <------ I swear by the stuff :D


You have to be excited to stock your tank.... I ended up going to something like 5 LFS before I found the best rock. Most of the stuff looks the same around here in the midwest. Luckily I had a good friend to tell me where to go. It ended up only being 3 miles away. :slap:


As for the light used- The 30 gallon picture has 2-24 inch VHO (75 watts each) 50/50 with a 36 watt actinic pc and the biocube picture was taken with the stock lighting on. I'm waiting for the dual halide system on that before I do any upgrades. Thanks for the kind words on the pictures. :blush:

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Robster - I noticed in the "How much did your tank cost" thread that you have a pH meter. How you put it to use yet? Which one did you get? Are you satified with it? Is it accurate?

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Robster - I noticed in the "How much did your tank cost" thread that you have a pH meter. How you put it to use yet? Which one did you get? Are you satified with it? Is it accurate?



I got the Pinpoint PH monitor (the one that supposed to stay in the tank from what I understand).. naw...still sitting in the box taunting me... Have freshwater in the tank right now. Teal brought up confirmation of a concern I was having in chamber 3, so I'm working on mod to fix surface stagnation in chamber 3. But the monitor seems real cool...I figure being able to see at a glance, since I'm a bit lazy the Ph will help give me a "heads-up" since AKh and Calcium are inter-related one change of one forces change in the other



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I think I'm going to get one. I think once I figure out the relationship between Ca and pH I might be able to get by with dosing Ca based on what the pinpoint pH monitor is telling me. Of course I'd still check Ca every once in awhile to make sure. Does this sound reasonable?

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I decided I will be going the lazy mans way around the chamber 3 surface water Rob.... Thats officially where my ATO (Once santa brings it... :lol: ) will end up pumping the water into, and Ill have the discharge tube just above the surface of the water... :)

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I think I'm going to get one. I think once I figure out the relationship between Ca and pH I might be able to get by with dosing Ca based on what the pinpoint pH monitor is telling me. Of course I'd still check Ca every once in awhile to make sure. Does this sound reasonable?


When dosing, I believe you'll want to check the Ca & AKh. because it is a three-way interconnecting relationship each of the 3 effect each other, It is rather mind numbing for me right now...think i missed too many chem. days in high school.

My understanding of it thus far, and what brought me to spend the $$ was if it moved, that means Ca &/or AKh moved (though I think Ca & AKh can move some w/out effecting Ph???) more reading for me too


here's some I've found on the subject:








I'd say sit down, grab a latte and fasten your seat belt, so you don't fall out your chair stuck-on-stupid (like I did) :P:lol:




I decided I will be going the lazy mans way around the chamber 3 surface water Rob.... Thats officially where my ATO (Once santa brings it... :lol: ) will end up pumping the water into, and Ill have the discharge tube just above the surface of the water... :)


Teal- I like your thinkin....though here's a fly for the ointment....the ATO's I've seen seem to run a 1/4" tube...I think that'll just make the scum dance around on the surface?????? :huh: Do you think those ATO's will work if there is no power to them during a period of time, then power on (with out human interaction?)



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From what I can tell the ATO's just tell a pump when to turn on and off, I think the size tubing and pump are determined by me.... Granted im going to be going with the smallest pump I can find because I want to try to fit it into my 5 gallon RO container, and I dont need to to top off in one second flat or anything, but I think it should stir it enough to keep me happy.... I think theyll be fine during a power outage, they just work on a float switch, so once power comes back on they should be perfect.

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Teal- That sounds pretty good. I'm think I'm going to use the direction similar to how chamber 2 original setup was, with a little grate a portion of the way up, with area cut out for the pump tube and cord... adhesive is setting right now....we'll see


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That should work out fine Rob... plus itll be another area you can put filter material or some sort of chemical pad like purigen or the like....


We want pics once you pull it off. :D

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I hope it does take care of it, and oh yeah...another spot of media/filter some scubiewhatsit can go right there. I'm not sure if I put filter pad there if copepods from the fuge will still make it to the display???!!


On the ATO how much room does the water level sensor takeup??? is it a thin cylinder or a big chuncky float like in the toilet? (I think I want to leave room for it incase santa is a little over-stocked!!,..or if one falls off of santa's sled, :lol: )


hopefully I'll get to slip chamber 3 mod in today??? have to go take care of a customer :angry:



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Damn customers. They have some nerve asking for help. :lol:


I just thought about the pods not making it through filter floss after I typed it... You could still do a bag of something on it though with no pod restriction. :)

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Damn customers. They have some nerve asking for help. :lol:


The ones who pay good, are nooo problemoo :D this one was Mr. el cheapo, plus demanding and pushy :angry: stupid flat rate job :angry::angry::rant:


Anyway, did a ton of work on the chamber 3 fix. everything is curing right now!! I expect water test tomorrow!!!!


want a peek???!! ok...


followed same pattern I was using in chmbr 2. brought the water level back up toward where chmbr 2 is, but lower by a bit to ensure a hearty flow. Also put sortof an angled top to direct the flow a bit, but not restrict it!!




Next, since there are 2 distinct water levels that occur in chmbr3 one lower when both pumps are on, one higher when just the main is on,....though this little mod may adjust that just a little bit...slightly concerned there :scarry: ) anyway, I decided to make the grate at an angle to maximize options. To do this, I placed a few small pieces together and stuck on the front of the unit from above (the white line near top), and then the same, and adhered them to the inside walls at the angle that would let the top rest on the existing little lip that is above the side window:




Voila.... then the grate. just a piece of acrylic and I cut some big oblong holes in it so as to ensure no impeding the flow. A big notch for the main pump hose and power cord, and then a put a little divider so maybe I can use 2 different media??

it's kinda ugly and the adhesive got all over the place...yuck!





Then for giggles, I chopped up the original top grate for chmbr2 and re-assembled it to give a little bit of a spot that maybe some filter floss would be able to dip down cross the surface and into the water a little bit...no idea if it will be effective or not, but my fingers were all slimmed up with the adhesive...so why not. added similar little block of acrylic on the back inside edge to support it, maybe have to add something under the little basket??





Well....the water will tell. Keep your fingers crossed fingerscrossed



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Houston....we have lift off!!


Double success!!! flow is working exactly as designed, and even better, it is allowing higher water level in chamber 3!!!! Almost squeezing the full 29gal capacity of this little fella!!


It's hard to see, but here is the chamber 3 grate in place at the angle of course, the first pic is the lower level, when both pumps are running (which places the water level as high as the bottom edge of the grate (lower if I wanted i'm sure). the second pic is with just the one pump running, like will be at night time (more gentle current) That pushes the water level around the top edge of the grate!! I'm thinkin maybe purgen lower, filter floss higher??? or vice versa, who knows posibilities are OPEN!!!


both pumps:





Main pump only:






Oh, and I FIRED: Vivid Aquariums!!! Three strikes and your OUT!!! No more Biz with them. decent livestock, but poor buisness practices and really bad social skills :angry::slap:


New folks that will be providing rock and live stock will be Jeff's Exotic Fish and Pacific Reef Tropical Fish!!! They seem a little more friendly AND a bit less expensive on top of that!!



Anywho, I think all "dry" runs are done, and ready for the REAL THING, once I get back from all that fun on vacation!!!



Teal- does that sound like a fuge on its way????!!!!! :lol:




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That it does my friend.... Did you get those acrylic rods yet ?? I can try to scrounge up the tracking number if you didnt get them yet... :)



no sign of the rods yet :(:unsure:


Sweet FUGE time!!!! Word to the wise....Use the table saw...I tried the method they described...score it several times, place on edge and give it a whack. sounded good, but the first piece didn't break off right, then trying to get the rest to break off and when it finally did, it "BIT" me good right below the thumb...about a 3/4" slice....that sucker has hurt and kept breaking back open :angry:


also, after the first batch of glue ups, they didn't seem to hold super great, so I used the drum sander on the dremel and roughed up the points for connection surfaces, and voila much better grip!! Also I went through about 3 or 4 sheets of the 11x14" size (had to make 2 trips to HD:angry: )


Did you find out how much room the ATO sensor takes up??



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Not yet.... prolly wont find out till Christams either....


I also asked santa for a Reefkeeper 2... If he doesnt deliver, im gonna hunt down those reindeer with my 9mm. :lol::lol::lol:

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Not yet.... prolly wont find out till Christams either....


I also asked santa for a Reefkeeper 2... If he doesnt deliver, im gonna hunt down those reindeer with my 9mm. :lol::lol::lol:



I know whatcha mean!!! I saw some DIY kit from premium aquatics. bout $50. Since I already have automation control system I might be able to slip it in, I'll have to see if I have enough relay ports :huh: or maybe I can double down on one of the other relays...I think I might be useing all 8 that I have :angry:


Are you thinking about closed bottom fuge like I did, or flow through like everyone else?? (I take it skimmer working too good, or still microbubble issues???)



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We should have no more microbubbles.... I couldnt be happier with the way Kyle has stood next to his product and helped me through this... I wouldnt hesitate to buy another product from him... I will be sticking with the skimmer instead of the fuge for the time being. :)

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We should have no more microbubbles.... I couldnt be happier with the way Kyle has stood next to his product and helped me through this... I wouldnt hesitate to buy another product from him... I will be sticking with the skimmer instead of the fuge for the time being. :)


did you already get that other tank???

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Nah, Im still focusing on this one.... dont want to get into another tank when im still technically very "green" at this hobby. :happy:


I went over to my parents today though and after seeing my tank, my mom was wondering if I could help her convert her 37 gallon eclipse'd tank into a SW tank... I smell a new project coming on... All I know for certain if she gives me the green light, that tank WILL be getting drilled and there will be an awesome sump/fuge underneath it. :D

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Nah, Im still focusing on this one.... dont want to get into another tank when im still technically very "green" at this hobby. :happy:


I went over to my parents today though and after seeing my tank, my mom was wondering if I could help her convert her 37 gallon eclipse'd tank into a SW tank... I smell a new project coming on... All I know for certain if she gives me the green light, that tank WILL be getting drilled and there will be an awesome sump/fuge underneath it. :D


That sounds way cool!! I'm still trying to catch up to you! And of course one of the LFS has an awesome pair of percs!! and the female one when you get next to the tank swims right up next to the glass/surface like she wants to play or something!! I was only thinking about a single perc, but now I'm not sure??? :huh:



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ok, I am gone for 2-weeks!!!! Vacation at last (the only thing that has cost more than the fish tank!) so I think no one should come up with any ground breaking modifications in my absence :P:lol:


Been happy with the 3rd chamber modification, so drained the tank tonight!!!! Still more electric to do (haven't touched it in a couple weeks :angry: ) but should be ready to go when I get back!!!!


so in the mean time- Cheers! and happy holidays!!



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