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Cultivated Reef

Good news and bad news


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Of course, ill go with the bad news first. Ive been noticing a greenish algae on the glass of my tank. Its not like a slime algae, its harder than that. Any ideas. All my water parameters check out right. I have 3 lbs of live rock, and about an inch worth of live sand. 18 watts p.c light. I have one astrea snail. I dont really want to put another snail in there unless i have to (claims from a book im reaing.) Should i just scrape and suckthis stuff off the glass??


The good news! I just got my first coral, FOR FREE!!! a 7 polyp GSP rock. So far so good! How long do you guys wait until you buy another coral? I dont want to rush things!


And on that note, any body here from NEPA and have some zoa frags for sale????

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Probably corillane,how big is your tank?

You can add as many corals as you want whenever you want.I don't have any corals yet but some free GSP sounds nice!

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Any plastic card will work good. As far as adding corals: they really dont effect your bioload so you can add them all at once. Most people get theyre first coral, wait a while to see if they kill it, then if they can keep it healthy get some more.

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Thanks for the replies!


Yeah, scraping sounds good, nest water change, so i can suck it up while i scrape it off.


FUGU, it doesnt look like corilline, at least none that i have had, (always had just the purple) I have a 2.5 gal. tank.


Its been a week since i had the GSP, (still a bit early to tell) but all seems well. The guy who owns the store said he would frag me a green rhodactis (sp.) mushroom, but im not sure if the flow from my AC is too much for it.

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^-- Yep.


If it is relatively opaque & calcerous, it is coralline.


If it more like traditional algae (green & almost transparant) it is probably a kind of chlorophyte.


FUGU: Crowies? :huh:

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maybe he meant cowries which grow larger(4") and dont do well even in larger tanks

Gold ring cowries,I have heard of this but it might have been a typo.But the guy may have ment tiger.

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Same,but I do know that when they get big they can eat zoas and other smaller softies.

The only thing else that I know is that people like there shells.

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