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Cultivated Reef

Stan's 20H Custom Project


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Thanks for the 411.. no problems here with the aiptasia though so i'm not going to worry about it until i start seeing 2 or 3 more.


The only problem i got right now is the sump. It must be my fuge light or something, but hair algae and some cyano is starting to grow all over the sump. On the return pump and on the surfaces. I think i'm going to get a few Astreas in there. I've never heard of anyone having a clean up crew for their sump though.

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  • 2 months later...

The tank is rock solid now. Everything's dialed in rock solid. I'm just waiting for the upcoming Coral Farmer's Market in May to totally stock up my tank. I'll take some pics when i get a chance.


The RBTA's are getting big but they dont seem to want to split...

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Hey Nip! I'm a sucker for zoos man! Let me know.


Although this little favia frag i picked up really has sparked my interests in LPS as well.

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wow, your tank is the definition of clean. i did a 20H custom project as my first saltwater and its been setup for 3 weeks now. i decided to make an internal overflow type system where the water is circulated threw an overflow but pumped back within the same unit. no external sump or anything. anyways, it's nice to see someone with a 20H. by the way, how do you like your lighting? i am thinking of going with a 150W MH unit. what bulb are you using currently, and is it true to your pictures?

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Yeah, since this tank was going to be in the middle of the house, it had to be clean.


I really like the Halides, the shimmer lines, the intensity.. and really no heat issues at all. I'd definitely recommend it over other lights.


I'm using a Phoenix 14k that is a really nice blue tone to avoid having to use any actinics. Not sure if 14k is ideal for coral growth, but it does show off the tank nicely. What you see is what you get.. in fact i think the pics don't do it justice.

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  • 1 month later...

hey there stan, how are things going with the tank? andy updates?



P.S. I'm still waiting for that anemone of yours to split again, maybe I'll have to hit up supernip if hers decide to split.

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Hey Tony, The tank is looking good.. real super stable now. Got a couple new frags at the BACFM yesterday. I'll post pics tonight.


As far as the RBTA goes... one of them is getting really big, so maybe it'll split soon. Not sure i could figure out how to do it but would you be interested in one of the bigger ones?

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Well.. here's a current full tank shot for everyone. You'll definitely notice that the RBTAs have grown considerably... The one on the left looks like it's starting to pinch a little bit which can be a sign that it will split at some point.


As far as the tank situation goes.. it's 6 months old now and i'm pretty dialed in. Here's my maintenance..


Top Offs: I bought an auto top off from autotopoff.com and have it hooked up to an air pump that pressurizes a 1gallon arrowhead water bottle. It lasts about 3 days. I had planned to purchase an RO/DI unit but the Whole Foods market by my house sells RO/DI water for .39 It gets serviced weekly and my TDS meter has never read more than 001. So in my case, it's worth it to just fill my 10 gallon jugs once a month rather than deal with my own unit.


Water Changes: I do 15% water change with NSW (C-Pure) about every other week. I lag a little bit from time to time but my bioload is low so i have no real ill effects


Feeding: I feed the BTAs a piece of krill or half a silverside every 10 days or so. The Favia i feed a small piece of krill every other week. The Clown i feed Formula 1 flakes every other day. I just recently started dosing LiquidLife Marine Plankton. About 1/4" teaspoon weekly because i wanted to see some better growth from the zoos. The bottle doesn't lie. Everything looooves this stuff. The zoos perk up and stretch their tentacles, all the feather dusters come out.. all kinds of critters come out of the sandbed.. this stuff is reef crack.


Dosing: The NSW we get here in NoCal does tend to be a little low on the Alk & CA levels so i dose 5ml of Bionic twice a week.


Aside from Water Changes, Refilling my Top Off Reservoir, and Scraping the build up off the tank walls during a water change.. there really isn't anything i need to do with the tank.. I probably spend about 1hr monthly maintaining this tank tops.


Definitely happy with this setup.






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Here's a nice top-down look of the tank.



I went to the Bay Area Coral Farmers Market and picked up a few new frags.


I'm not one to buy trendy corals, but when i saw these Tubs Blue Zoanthids in person, i had to get em (crossing my fingers they grow)



Got these turquoise and peach/orange ones for $10!


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definateley would like one when one comes available. the tank is looking good. I still remember what the elcipse looked like.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My anemone split last weekend and is finally healed up. Tony you got first dibs if you're still interested.


It might be a little tough getting this thing off the rock but we'll see what we can do.

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I'm in. no rush getting it off the rock. when ever it happens just let me know and I will make arrangements. I'll send you my phone number so you can get in touch with me. Thanks Stan : )

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  • 4 months later...

Hey Guys, thanks for keeping up with the thread.


Not much has gone on with the tank recently outside of things growing. I added a big zoo frag that has totally taken off. Excuse the pictures, my MH bulb has started to age and the spectrum is all funky now so everything looks totally bleached out when i take a picture, rest assured they don't look like that in person. I've ordered a new Phoenix 14K and it should be here soon.


Tony... as you can see i got 4 BTAs now. You're welcome to any (except for the mother in the middle) but as you can see, they're totally anchored in the rock work and i seriously don't think i can get them any of them out without seriously injuring it. I'll swap you the whole rock if you want but there's a Paly colony on it too that i kinda like. If you wanna do a swap or something, let me know.





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Thanks, i've been really happy with this tank.. going on 1 year old now.


Yes the clown has adopted the two anemones in the middle. I'd say it spends 80% of it's time just chilling in and out of the arms of the anemones and at night it snuggles up in the big one in the middle and sleeps.


I've been really lucky with my ocellaris clowns. This is the 3rd i've owned and all of them have always taken immediately to the BTAs

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I buy one of them if you like and swap a rock, I have a ton of rock I got from a friends tank in another tank right now with some cool shapes.

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Hey Tony, you can have the one on the far right but you'll also have to take the paly colony as well.. If you offer me a similar sized piece of LR and a replacement frag of LPS or Palys.. it's a deal.


You can even pickup this weekend if you like.


I might be able to chisel this rock in half and just give you the anemone side too.

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  • 5 months later...
Hey Tony, you can have the one on the far right but you'll also have to take the paly colony as well.. If you offer me a similar sized piece of LR and a replacement frag of LPS or Palys.. it's a deal.


You can even pickup this weekend if you like.


I might be able to chisel this rock in half and just give you the anemone side too.


I just stumbled upon this thread. Very nice tank Stan. How's your tank doing now?

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  • 1 month later...

Hey All! It's been forever since i've updated my tank thread mostly because i'm now a father of 2 boys..so things have been crazy.


The tank has really been on cruise control the past six months i did do a major Sump upgrade though.


I replaced my 10g AGA sump tank with a small acrylic tank.. don't ask me why.. i guess i figured i could drill/cut an acrylic more easily than a glass. Also replaced my Mag7 pump with an Eheim. I was a little disappointed in the noise level of that pump.. it's really not significantly more quiet than any other pump out there... it does push out way more water though... in the end, i don't think it was worth the price. Live and learn i guess.


I also got one of the LED fuge lights from Nano Tuners.. i give it an A+. The thing is built very nicely and does a great job growing Macro with zero heat and minimal power usage. I've been pulling out freezer bag sized wads of Chaeto from my little fuge on a monthly basis.


The BTAs are doing very well.. the big one in the center is going to split any day now.. i can tell by the way it's pinching itself off in the middle. I'd love to sell them off, but it's really not possible to get them off the rock work, so i think i'll just let them be and see what ends up happening with this tank. I've been debating a new setup dedicated to LPS but that's down the road.


Here's a couple tank pics.


My Clown digging his BTA



Here's a little Montipora frag that is about to overtake this zoo colony.


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