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Cottony type growths on Oscellaris Clown?


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My small Oscellaris Clown has developed these "cottony" type growths. One is by his gill, the other is at the tip of his tail. I've been treating with Pimafix because this is what was suggested. However, I still don't know exactly what he has or what to treat him with should this Pimafix not work.


I've been treating him for 4 days now with no noticable improvement with the Pimafix. the clown appears healthy though. Still eating, very active and really seems to be in higher spirits then my other, larger clown!


Any ideas?

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Pimafix sucks. Go with something specifically for bacterial infections. Also qurantine so your not treating in your main tank.

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Pimafix sucks. Go with something specifically for bacterial infections. Also qurantine so your not treating in your main tank.


Yea, Pimafix was all that was suggested since I could use it in my main tank. However, if there is no sign of improvement after a week of it I will set up a QT. I don't have a QT yet though so I need some help.



How do I do it? I will only have room for a 5.5g tank. Do I fill it half way with tank water and the other half with newly mixed saltwater? Do I need anything with it? Filter? Skimmer? Obviously I need a heater and powerhead. How often do I do a water change? daily?



Any suggestions on what I should buy for treatment? Some people have suggested Formalin?

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if you use metrozline (spelling?) you wont have to qt. i recommend qt but metro will clear weak bacterial infections without killing your inverts or cycling bacteria. it's made for cichlids with head rot but is reef safe, just make sure you do a heavy (1/3) water change before using it (or any other meds for that matter)

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if you use metrozline (spelling?) you wont have to qt. i recommend qt but metro will clear weak bacterial infections without killing your inverts or cycling bacteria. it's made for cichlids with head rot but is reef safe, just make sure you do a heavy (1/3) water change before using it (or any other meds for that matter)



You mean Maracyn?

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It is probably not a bacterial or fungus, but a virus: Lymphocystis.


Think of herpes for fish. There is no cure if this is what your fish has. It should go away and usually looks worse than it is to the fish. However you said its growing around the gill so that may be problematic. At any rate do a search for Lymphocystis and read up on it.



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It is probably not a bacterial or fungus, but a virus: Lymphocystis.


Think of herpes for fish. There is no cure if this is what your fish has. It should go away and usually looks worse than it is to the fish. However you said its growing around the gill so that may be problematic. At any rate do a search for Lymphocystis and read up on it.





I agree that it could be Lymphocystis. Here's a website describing it. Mine had it and it finally went away after about 6 months. The fish always ate good and never seems lathargic.





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I agree that it could be Lymphocystis. Here's a website describing it. Mine had it and it finally went away after about 6 months. The fish always ate good and never seems lathargic.







Could be that I suppose. If it is, is it best to just take a sit back and wait approach? Or should I wait to see if it gets worse/better over time? That article said 6mo?

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You mean Maracyn?



the stuff i am talking about is called Metronidazole but if other people on this site are right, it wont cure a viral infection, only bacterial from what i understand.

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Update: My other clownfish is now showing a small white spec on his dorsal fin so I'm thinking this is no longer a Lymphocyst and instead is a bacterial or fungal infection.


I've just finished testing my water params:

Temp: 81

Salinity: 1.025

pH: 8.1

Ammonia: < 0.25 (Bottom spot on salifert test kit)

Nitrite: 0 (bottom spot on salifert test kit)

Nitrate: between 0 and 5 ppm (between bottom and +1 on AquaPharm)


Any other tests I should run?


What is the best course of action from here? I've been told to try Formilin 3 by some and others suggest Tetracycline. Which would you guys suggest?


I've never used either treatment before and don't have the instructions for them in front of me. If I do Formilin, is it better to just do short freshwater dips?

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