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Mantis Musings


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I found another mantis in my rock and I'm wondering if I should kick him to the curb or just ban him to the 'fuge. I think he would be cool in the 'fuge but don't I also want to keep a few snails and crabs in that area? Will he eat pods? This would be his future home once I get him out. The macro has been thinned out a bit since this pic.




What do you guys think?

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If you can't find a good home from him, plenty here I'm sure would take him...


I'm pretty sure though he would live fine in the refuge, and wouldn't munch on the macro. Although wait for more responces, I'm still learning myself..



BTW: What type of rock did you get that he hitchhiked with?






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how big is it and what colors? ive been looking for a mantis pm me or email me (cjm033@aol.com) if you wanna get rid of it ill gladly pay you the shipping for it,Chris

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I have two mantis shrimp right now as pets (although I'm going to get rid on one soon). They are awesome pets, and do some crazy ######. Although your mantis's probably hide from you, after captivity for a while, they learn the hand that feeds them, and are much more fun to watch. They are extremely intelligent, and I'd recommend you keep it in your fuge, or even set up a new tank. I feed mine frozen brine shrimp, but occasionally I'll buy it a hermit so I can watch him attack. go to www.kyleandjesynasreef.com and you can see my mantis's. I didn't show the whole tank setup, because it's pretty small for a mantis tank, and I didn't want to get ridiculed, but it's just a little 2 gal from walmart with NO lights, and no heater.

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Hey Chris, would you be interested in a frag trade for my other mantis?


I actually have both of them in the same tank, because my roommate was going to take it, but that fell through, and I need to get him out. They duke it out all the time, and one of them is going to kick the bucket one of these days, but for now, they both have both their smashers, and are healthy. The one I'd sell is the more colorful one on my webpage, also the icon to access the "mantis" section of my page is the one.


E-mail me at rausch@montana.edu if you're interested.





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duckhuntboy ,



Did your mantis come from the FIJI or tonga slab from Harbor Aquatics? I'm trying to purchase some LR for my new tank and I'd like to get rock with slims chance of mantis... they are pretty and cute, but trying to keep them out of my main tank, let me know!





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i love reef keppers especially nano-reefers because first of all we defy the odds and succesfully keep a nano in good order (normally :)). The funny thing is there are loads of articles in books and the internet and even this board saying how troublesome a mantis is BUT i admire ppl who try and look after such fasinating species of shrimp.



p.s Nice going all :)

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Yeah, I got some bad news. The day before I was going to send my mantis out to CJM, it got eaten by the other one. In regards to the "only a few gallons, shouldn't keep a mantis" by blue.... Mantis's are a hobby of their own. Why would someone keep a tarantula? Because they kick ass, that's why. Mine is housed in a wal-mart special 2 gallon hex, and never complains to me directly, so the costs is about the same as a cheap coral from the LFS.


What I like most about keeping him, is I spend zero time on him. I don't have a heater, and I don't top-off. I change the water from excess water from my minibow, and he is one healthy little guy.


In regards to "fiji or tonga slab" origination, I got him free from a guy on reefcentral who was keeping him as a pet, so I couldn't tell you, but he's a smithii, and if you did some research, I'm sure you'd find out where they came from.


www.blueboard.com/mantis - Read up, this site is great.


Wait, one more thing. After reading a ton about mantis shrimp, I come to the conclusion that "a mantis is killing away my tank" excuse is B.S. Most people that get an occasional mantis is of the 'smashing' variety, and spearers are really rare. Spearers are the true fish eaters, but Smashers completely prefer shelled organisms, and even so, they can go weeks without food. An occasional dead fish is ,maybe likely, but people with failing tanks that blame them on a "hidden mantis" are probably just hoping that's the problem, since they don't know what's going on, and I read about it a lot on reefcentral. I have a hermit in my mantis tank that's been alive for 3 weeks and happy, just because my mantis is too small (1 1/4 inches, common size) to crack him open. A mantis of a larger size would be much easier to spot, and find it much harder to hide. Just my two bits.

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Stonepran, your chances of getting a mantis, especially in nano-quantity, is pretty rare. I'd just ask around for one on a "larger tank" forum. Harboraquatics took pretty good care of me, and since my rock was almost fully cured on arrival, I knew there was nothing on it. Your shot is better getting it from an LFS, where it doesn't ship. Mantis shrimp cant ship just wrapped in wet paper, or just with a bit of moisture.

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deacon hemp

After reading up on nr.com fer a year you may have the sweetest rock i've eva seen!,all that life and 2 mantis's i wish i could get rock like that.

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