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5 Gallon madness


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Sounds like you got a paracite.My hardrive was severley beaten up and I had to replace it (or the computer guy did) with this slower wierder modle.

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Sounds like you got a paracite.My hardrive was severley beaten up and I had to replace it (or the computer guy did) with this slower wierder modle.


im getting a 5.5 cuz of you guys and your picotopes....im wasnt happy w/ mine, and its winter so....

i broke it down and dropped it into my sump...i got practicaly no livestock so i didnt really mind.....just wish i still had it up

i plan on using my 3 gal w/ a 5 or 2.5...or just 2 of the small aga tanks kinda like this but im not sure how im gonna put it together....


now thats a link from someone on this site....so....i dont know what to tell ya...go if you feel safe about it....i went...phat site


this is basically pretty close to what im trying to do...but theres a dude that did a phat DIY all acrylic one i wanna bite....


LOL my "parasite is a java error" im a scared lill beeeeoooottttttcccchhhhh......

its just not my computer...hate to get blamed for something....

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I hate java servers and AOL cuz it is riddeled with traps and paracites.The reson I chose 5 gallons was because I had no money and I was impaitent.I diddnt know fish sizes coral needs what LR is or what SG was! I thought SG was the weight of the water! But that was back in the day.


If you could get one thing (invert,coral or fish) that could live in your pico happily and look cool and be the right size,what would it be? If you could just have ANY type of fish to live in your pico happily what would it be?

For me it would be a brown banded bamboo shark that diddent attack anything and only grow up to an inch and a half.That would be sweet! but a micro lion would be cool to!

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Hehe "swim b*tch swim" yeah there was a guy selling his tank that had a yellow tang.Did I mention it was 6 F###ING GALLONS!?

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a swordfish or marlin!


the 6gal dude is a friggin cruel idiot!

unfortunantly....there are lots of folks that do that b/c it looks "prety"


i probably would just keep the usual picotope type fish and animals.....yeah i know boring.....but i dig it that way...

just stocked w/ lots of coral and maybe some shrimp is all i need....


im probably goin pistolshrimp/goby in my tank.....trying to get the goby today


sharks and eels and other fish are cool, but expensive to feed....

my eel ate swordfish, clownfish and dottybacks!


im still lookin for a 5.5 locally.....found 2.5s but i want 5......


maybe ill pico this tank out......


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Yeah you make some good ponts there.Sadly many peoples rule of thumb is "it will be happy if it fits in it" which is as we ALL know IS NOT TRUE.

2in is the max for my 5g for a 2.5 maby 1/2 an inch.But I am very interested in shrimp gobys but I would really like a couple of those red striped gobys,but a yashia and a tiger is just too inviting for me!

But how much do shrimp gobies eat? are they a better alternative to nano gobies?



EDIT:I have decided on a shrimp/goby combo with lots of softie corals and a few preditory corals,a hammer or frogspawn,a blood shrimp or a bunch of sexys,a toadstool with a white anemoney crab and maby just maby a new light setup.

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So I have a pom pom crab now,I picked her up today for $4.Once I finish adding LR I will start with a head of xenia some plays but now I am happy with my corilane and my ity bity CUC.

It bugs me wen an LFS has the animal you want but "We dont have it" Whial I am staring directly at the pistol shrimp.

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LOL what an asz!! you tried pointing at it???


my favorite thing to do at the lfs is convincing the sales girl that they are selling me a cheaper fish!


"thats no fire shrimp, thats a peppermint shrimp, look at it, its red and white like a peppermint! fire shrimp have a stripe....


those are camel shrimp, not pepper mints, that bright red one is a peppermint! "


it works everynow and then a petco thats in bad shape.......you get what you payfor in these cases,


i didnt get my goby b/c im leaving....i might still get him.... they had 2 yellow watchmans for only 12 bucks! been there at least a month, so i know they are healthy...

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Sounds like the bug is gone!

I havent poited at it yet but they have done this about 4 times now,I am kinda shy so I dont really talk to people under 5'6!

I have asked about pistols,anemoney crabs,silicone and brine shrimp.They had ALL of those things.I just think the guy dosnt like me,hes around 60 and constantly looks at me when I am looking/reading the supplements.But another guy just LOVES me there! I think it was because I knew about and talked about all the stuff he knows.

At a pet store around here called petcetera (its like a canadian petco) they are listing ocellaris clowns for $50! I kid you not! and all the tanks are connected like one unit! there are around 100 "tanks" including the SW and literaly only 8 fish in them! crazyness!

At another LFS it is worse,they charge around $10 a pound for LR,$80 for baby anemoneys,$10 a pop for hermits,$12 each for narssarius snails and $44 for camel shrimp! This is also the home of the most nano ignorant/hating people in north america!

Good luck SaVeThEeELs


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Okay,on the 20th I will get my stuff (powerhead,more cured LR,and my LFS is giving me some frags but I dont know what they are) I am going to buy some black sand (20lbs live 20 lbs in origonal bags).I am looking forward to the black sand,with my argo I use the siphon to vacume but it diddnt really nead it.


p.s hey eels,did you check out that guy w/ a YT in a 24g?

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good god!! 12 bucks for snails and hermits??? i know its canada, but thats still what.....5 bucks american or whatever??? i thought the 2.50 i payed here was bad......


im moving to canada to sell stuff soon as global warming heats that place up!



the old man may not like you b/c your not making enough purchases, just lots of browsing....ive get that a one store in memphis.....they got big asz frags...use to think 65+ american was expensive, but im talkin a frag nearly dinner plate size....cant wait to get back...


keep at it i guess....your not going to the store in drag or anything are you? not dressed like an emo kid? sometimes they dont like to sell to "counterculture" kids......


i guess ill have to find out what its like to ship to canada....ill have lots to choose from once i get back home....maybe ill start an ebay store for our canadian brothers.....


havent seen the 24gal w/ the ywg.....ive kept lots of gobies....my favorite was an orange spotted/diamond shrimp goby, named bob the builder, b/c when i got him he started diggin his home....but i left the lid off one day and he jumped :blink:


he was in a 15 gal...so i guess they like deeper tanks....it was that or that darn orchid dottyback pushed him to suicide!

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Where in canada are you moving? (victoria please!I need frags!)


80% of the time I buy somthing there for either FW or SW,but those whae almost all small purchases (carbon,medicin,plants that kind of stuff).

Nah,just jeans and my good work clothes (the good professonal ones).But the lady that owns the store likes to talk to me about all the wierd stuff that people wear now.

It wasnt a YWG it was a yellow tang with a yellow tail damel and a pigmy fire angel.Its in general discusson with a video of the poor bugger.

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Well I just bought an anemoney crab for $10 but I cant find the USB camera cable so sorry.He is very small,has only 1 claw but he has lots of personality and he looks very good ageanst my purple corilane! and even better once I get my black sand!

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Hehe "swim b*tch swim" yeah there was a guy selling his tank that had a yellow tang.Did I mention it was 6 F###ING GALLONS!?


hahahahahahahahaha thats damn funny


check this out tho http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?...p;hl=fish+guide its a good nano fish guide- theres a few interesteing ones if youre interested still


haha still laughing, swim b*tch swim hahaha

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LOL im not really moving to canada yet....havent committied enough crimes...


i was just sayin that if i had the means, i would over charge canadians too!


maybe dude just is moody...i dunno ive never met him,...probably treat me the same way....


as far as the 3 fish in the death trap......id post a new thread w/ the video on it as what NOT to do.....


ive seen at least 2 people trying to get rid of their eels...one was in a nanocube!


10 bucks american seems reasonable for a crab......


if its cost effective enough on my end....i may start exporting....depends on what stock is like......probably mostly easy stuff.....gsp, shrooms, etc


lemmie get my $h!t together! i need to pay school off so theyll let me go again!

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^^the crime key word being "yet".

Did I mention my LFS got some KILLER softies!almost evereything you could dream of!Once I get some more pre cured live rock I want to get a softie,polyp,shroom thang goin on.


Yeah I was looking at that guide Igreen drew up,Maby a pair of neons would do the trick.But I like clown gobies,I want a shy interesting fish that constantly pops its head out.A goby fits the bill but I was wondering about other fish like that.But I am a HUGE blennie fan and I want a lawnmower blennie but I understand the tank size.Anything along the lines of a lawnmower blennie would be cool.


Hehe maby a chrub angelfish with the tang "welcome home mutha f##ka!"

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Hehe maby a chrub angelfish with the tang "welcome home mutha f##ka!"


hahahahaha you have a way with words fugu


or maybe....just maybe..... in about a month youll buy a bigger tank and move it all in there and have more options for fish......even when you thought youd just have the pico. 10g AGA with 5g sump?!?!


ha or thats just me, but good luck with your fish quest

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or maybe....just maybe..... in about a month youll buy a bigger tank and move it all in there and have more options for fish......even when you thought youd just have the pico. 10g AGA with 5g sump?!?!


ha or thats just me, but good luck with your fish quest




lucky i got all my sump equipment....i just need a freakin light!

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I was thinking of a custom 40g seamless drilled (copyright expired <_< ) but maby somthing a little smaller would be cool.That is what I was thinking about but I want to learn as much as possible from my 5g.I may move this summer to a bigger house (40% raise :happy: ) and I want to stay under 55g in the "almost" nano game.


hehe maby a trigger too! "go craka go!"

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My LFS got a sh*t load of softies yesterday,I was watching them put them in.I will go back next week to see how there doin,and to see what they want for them!

In the meantime I ordered some frags:a hammer coral a couple of really cool polyps and a surplus of inverts.

I will keep you guys poasted.

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pimp!!! i wish i had a LFS here with some corals i could save.....

sad truth is, the market here, which is american soldiers, may buy into the hobby and have lots of money to spend....but they wont be able to take the tank with them....


that and they are army dudes...not that smart........i can say that b/c i have gotten drunk w/ them.....and conversation is....well......im surprised they get laid..


the LFS is full of used equipment they leave behind.....i got my sump w/ a brand new magdrive for about 150 american.....thanks Gi'S !!!


as far as which direction im goin.......i think when i down size that i may drill my 20.....i dunno...havent decided yet...


what i will do is get a 5.5 or 2 and work with those....ive seen some great DIY i wanna bite....thats if i just dont build my own out of acrylic.....


i got a 10 gal back home that is still running!! hehee my girl rocks!!


its a 10 gal walmart rig

2x 20watt coralife mini compacts

aquaclear for a 20 or 30?? an ac20?? i dunno, but its aquaclear

cheapo powerhead

3-4lbs LR that i aquacultured...plus maybe 1-2lbs that i bought

mad calurpa and cheato

one turbo snail

2-3 zebra hermits

a common clam or two, came with some live rock i got, these are its babies

lots of lil fanworms that i let reproduce

que-tip sponges and all sorts of unnamed critters

1 blue devil damsel

1 scooter dragnet


gotta see how she is when i get back


im gonna run my 10 gal sump on my 10, and get a new light for it....probably a 150w halide LOL actually it will be a pc of some kind till i get a halide.....then i can think about how big i wanna get....


currently i cant afford both my 20 and 10 running at the same time.....it just wouldnt be right to try....

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Sounds Sweet!

I wish I had a cool nano reefin gal,but ime too busy bein free :P .*cracked whip*


I have a FREE 55G TANK ON MY HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am totally excited!

And yes I said I got this tank FREE! THIS IS NOT B/S!!!!!

I will poast pics when I find my USB cable.

It has a cracked bottom and possibly a leak so I need ideas NOW!


Well not now,I will do my repairs soon but I may be moving to a larger house some time next year.

Well back to my 5g,I want to upgrade to a 12in 2X18 watt corilife PC setup for it.I have just placed my order for some frags:a hammer and some other stuff including my surplus of inverts.


Can I see some pics of your tanks eels? I really want to see them.This is the "Befour" pic of my tank:post-22290-1163052981_thumb.jpg


Getting laid is the only plus side I can see to joining the army,or navy.

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Can I see some pics of your tanks eels?

as far as your free 55.....remove the bottom glass, and get THICK acrylic...

this will give you the option to add overflows, bulk heads, drain, ect........


your getting ahead of yourself! you know how much its gonna cost to light that beast?


:haha: ok. do you really wanna see whats left????


after seeing these pics, you may never take advice from me again! LOL


i had a crash soon as i moved here to help my lil bro get a house....


this is pretty much what ive salvaged...had alot of casualites....luckly i didnt keep coral at the time....


the one w/ the damsel is my 10 gal back home....







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Well you should have a surplus of tumbellweeds! :lol: Just kidding,no respect lost.Ime supprized you kept them all!

I have NEVER in my 14 years in aquaria have had a heater go on the fritz.


Would 11/2 inch or 2 inch acrylic work?Yes I am WAY ahead of myself! I dont even have the tank in my house yet! I am thinking of some type of upgradable MH setup.Like 400w to 750w! I wont even need a heater! just the MH heat!


Its a bowe front.

Wow that crash was quite a house warming gift! That totally sucks though.But that room you have looks like killer workshop.Good luck with the recouperation.


Take it easy


Hey eels,a seahorse tank could work for you.Just an idea but I would get back into reefin.

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