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Cubes are all the rage just ask my room.


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It has been to long since I posted an update on anything. After running across a deal on Nano Cubes for 84.99 through a fellow memember here(BatS), I picked one up and started modifing.


Fist to go was the media, as I had it out before I even checked to see if everything was there. Good thing for me the media was put to good use in my also newly setup 30 gallon cube currently holding my Bass Hampton.


The Cube had all the regulars done; overflow teeth, mini jet 606, Ebo Jager 75 watt...yadda yadda yadda....no on to the pics.


This was three days after it was first setup, and after my LFS hooked me up with all of my water and that really sweet arch for only 20.00: Yeah the rock weighs 5 lbs...you do the math.



Next up is the tank after nearly three weeks of cycling.



Yeah you gotta love all the algae blooms.


Next is the current picture of the tank, albeit cloudy because I just disturbed the really silty sand bed.




Ok so hear are the specs nearly a month after being setup.

Perfect params...with just a tinge too little Calcium, and PH.

So I am dripping Kalkwasser at a very diluted and slow rate in my top off. I am currently mixing one Teaspoon with about 300 ml of distilled white vinegar to make the chemical reaction not cause sedimentation. Works like a charm, and am already seeing acelerated Coraline growth.


The pics just don't do it justice at all, I really need to get a good picture editor to bring them up to par or to what they actually look like.


I am running rubble in the back, and will be either building Under the Radars' Skimmer, or My buddy Reefer Budda's Skimmer....or maybe waiting until the Nano Remora comes out.


I have 2 Nassarius snails , margarita snail, Queen Conch, 5 blue legs, and one cleaner shrimp.


The Corals that I have are one Orange Yuma

Two green stripped Mushrroms

Yellow Gorgonian


Pulsing Xenia

Ultra rare Brown Zoos

And get this...a hitch Hiker Yellow Sun Coral...So cool.


I am saving my money and time for a Rose Bubble, and a true clown pair. Other than that if not a pair maybe just one and a six-line.


My future plans are to build an add on refugium to the back to store all my equipment, so that I can have added water volume, and a place to put the equipment that will be displaced by the SQWD, and the plumbing for it. I wish to have the tank Mandrin friendly in about a year. Also I want to put the Nano skimmer there so that I can have fans, and remote ballast for the attempt that I am going to make adding a 70 watt MH to the mix.


Now on to the Bass and enough boring palaber about fish tank stuff.


This is what I wake up to every morning.....



And here is Hampton giving me the evil death look of hunger as he curses my shrimp in the other tank for getting more attention than him.



Hampton is a Large Mouth Bass caught and saved from a decaying lake system not to far from my house.

His lake was infested with largee ammounts of debis, and in so caused it to take on a funny brown hue due to the decaying matter....well the neighbor hood decided a healthy lake that wasn't asteicly pleasing wouldn't do so they dyed it with a non environment friendly dye...and in doing so caused a massive die of not only the lake in habitants but all so their own yards...serves the bastards right. Hampton was caught with a cast net, and nurtured back to health. He has been with me for a year now, and has grown to double the size he used to be.

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Hey can someone with real computer skills try to enhance some of these pics? My mushrooms really are green I swear...they just look really brown. And the tank looks washed out.

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hey mike, email me the pics you want me to work on. i'll be bored at work tomorrow :D




oh yeah, tank looks really good. I haven't been adding any calicium or anything like that (which that big guy at aquarium fantasies told me i should have been doing from the beginning. DOH!) Mabey that's why coraline doesn't grow in my tank :(

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Nope you are just joining me for a little thing I like to call 15 minutes of glory. So far not many people have had much to say, so I guess I am not very glorious.

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hey Whitten,


Nice lookin' stuff. cool bass.

don't you have a small minibow as well?

got any updated pics of that?


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Yeah just it huh? It has been what I consider the last of the cycle happening. The water params are absolutely perfect, but apparently there is still a little decay happening on the uncured rock so we will have to wait and see what happens with it.


The Cheat....I love your name btw. Yes I do have a mini-bow 2.5, and I will post some pictures that I took when it had all of my live stock that is now in the cube. My G/f will be taking over the minibow, and I am going to be helping her to get it populated with more goodies soon. I plan on taking some other picture of my cube soon, so that it isn''t so dang sparse on this thread.


More pics to come, as well as my DIY Skimmer/fuge...yes I am going to try and build it as an all in one deal.

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Actually I was falling asleep when I posted the zzzzZZZzz and the second post was just giving you a hard time.:) I really love the aquascape you have going on and I really cant wait to see it full of corals!



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Oh good deal there Corriew:P I thought maybe it was the other way around. Anyway, I think I am going to take you up on your suggestion. It seems tha chaetophyta is the way to go since it never goes sexual. Anyway, thanks for clearing things up...I hate internet drama that is why I didn't say much.


As for the corals...you and me both. I got rid of the Po ta Toes thing but only for a little bit.

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lol my room thinks 20L's are all the rage. I have a 20L w/ 3 red eared slider's in it, and a 20L nano. Were all those corals hitch-hikers? And did you do any lighting upgrades yet, I'm pretty sure you said you didn't but I am just curious. That bass is pretty cool as well. I read in TFH that some bass aren't true bass but a type of sunfish

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I dont think those were hitchhikers looking at the pics!I love the po-ta-toes that is awesome please bring that back!Oh and when that bass out grows your tank can you sent him to me? I bet he would taste good right out of the deep fryer.

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thanks for the compliment. do you keep up with homestarrunner.com?? in my estimation, it's easily the most hilarious website ever. i love the characters. in my 10g, i named the yellow watchman The Cheat, and his pistol shrimp friend is Strongbad. They're inseperable of course.


I'd love to see some more of that minibow action. Ive got one at work now that is doing awesome. 10W of 50/50 makes things surprisingly happy in there. what all were you able to keep?


take it easy.



oh, and i wish my fiancee (she has a cichlid tank) would want to start up a reef. you're lucky your girlfriend does!

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Well here by popular demand is the 2.5. I will post some pics of the tank right after it was set shortly, but here is one of the last pics before I pillaged the contents.



Your right that Bass of mine would taste great, but the only thing that keeps him out of the fryer is the funny little things he does to grab attention.


I do follow the Homestar, I love it. My friend showed it to me two years ago, and I have never been the same since. What is even better is that the Brothers Chaps live here in Atlanta, and I got a chance to talk with one of them a little while ago. I pulled up next to a bright yellow C5 Corvette, and noticed this huge rubber cheat long before there was anything ou like that. I told the guy that I loved the cheat, and he did the voice. After I was laughing my ass off he did Strong Bad, and it was all over. All in all a really cool guy.


Back by popular demand..... A bit of entertainment from my buddy wire eater over at SVTPerformance

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I have a few update pics just for you special people to take a look at.

Granted the pictures are always just a bit washed out, but no one can ever acuse me of altering that way...haaha. Anyway here is the Cube after a rock rearangement, and my little 2.5 with the mini sized bubble tip which is currently calling up dinosaurs after a huge squid dinner last night. The clown was hosting in it just fine until it kinda deflated and looked as though it was going to pinch a huge one off. Anyway, enjoy, and as always feel free to lambast, chastise, criticise, praise, or just thank me for doing such a nice tank.


well the Camera just died on me so the extra pics of the 2.5 will have to wait till tommorow.





I will have more after the batteries are charged.

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