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New Nano!!! 16 Gallon Bow AGA


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I just ordered my new 16 gallon bow front tank from All glass this Thrusday. They are dilling it for me as we speak and I will go pick this up tomorrow. I paid 85 dollars total for the tank, drilling (2 holes), and the bulkheads. I also made a 10 gallon sump for this tank. I will get pictures tomorrow when i go pick this tank up. I'm going to make the stand for it and the canopy as I plan to do things right and go with MH. Once i got the canopy and the stand built I will run with the 28" cf hood from Coral Life that i will borrow from ym 10 gallon nano till I get the money saved for the MH.



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Eddie, its really not hard to bend wood, however you do need the proper equipment. If you have a decent bandsaw you can do it pretty easily (also need a good amount of clamps). If you want to pic up the latest issue of fine wood working there is a great article in there on bending wood laminations, and many pics also.


Thats the best way, there are some other alternatives as well, such as kerfing the back and bending it, also steam the wood in a home made steam housing and use a jig to bend tot he desired form =). Ok I will stop now.

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Hey you guys I had a question that maybe someone can give me a little help with. I really wanted to do MH on this, but after talking to the guy at the lfs we figured the bulb to the top of the water should be about 8-10 inches above it. So after my stand, around 34 inches, the tank 21 inches, and then the 12 inches for hte hood we are talking aobut something that almost stands 6 foot. Now, i've used the 28 watt cf cls hood for my 10 gallon nano and I love it. This will fit the 16 bowed, but I want to get the 96 watt version of it instead for the power. So, should I go with what I wanted, the MH, or should I get something that is more reasonable and get eh 96 watt cls hood? I want to get a clam and an anemone for the tank, fiy.





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If you build your canopy correctly you shouldn't need 8 -10 inches.


The tank if I remember correctly is 18" high. Add a few inches of sand and you have 16" high. With that height you could use a 150 watt de MH. Build the canopy 5 inches high have the top 2.5 inches for bulb and glass UV shield. Install a 4" fan on one side so half the fan blows through the bulb area and half the fan blows through the area between the glass shield and water surface. If you pick the right fan and done correctly you should be able to get a 5" high canopy w/out any heat issues.


And there is also no need to bend wood. Does this new 16 Minibow come w/ a plastic hood similar to the 7 Minibow. If so here is an alternate plan. Build a rectangular canopy that fits over the back rectangular area of the Minibow. Finish it in a nice high gloss black. Next carefully cut off the curved front section of standard Minibow top. Cut carefully for a custom/snug fit. If done correctly you have both the rectangular conopy and the small curved section on the tank at the same time. It will appear as one hood. Plus you get to keep the nice little door for feeding and water testing ect... You can also take off the curved section if you need to get in the tank w/ a little bit of room or remove both for major tank cleaning. I did this on my 7 Minibow and work out awesome. Looks like one very professional made hood and you can't tell there are two pieces. Unfortunatly I don't have a digital camera so I don't yet have a pic of this new canopy of mine.


A good place to purchase quiet fans is http://www.orionfans.com


So what do think of that idea ????

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I wish it was that simple for the hood cause it doesn't come like the 7 gallon bowed tank.


thanks for the idea though



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Just curious --- what type of hood if any does it come with ?


I can't imagine AGA would come out w/ a tank and no hood option.


Also does it come with a base like the 7 Minibow

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Well it comes with one of those cheap plstic flo hoods if you pay extra. Its the regualr light strip deal. It also comes with no base. I went to go pick it up because they told me it would be done today, but they weren't done with it because their AC went out last night so they had to take care of making sure the store didn't overheat for tanks. I'm suppose to go pick it up around 4 or so today.



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I rather not have a pendant because I'm building a new house and I rather not have holes in the ceiling because I wouldn't care, but my parents who are helping me with it probably would care because once I graduate college (4 years) the plan is to sell the house.



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Here are the pics I promised. You need to login at http://www.photoisland.com The login is eddie29 and the password is fish. I couldn't get the stupid pictures to work so thats why you need to login yourself. Sorry. In the pics you see the 16 gallon tank, the bulkheads and then the sump with the pump.



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Two small questions. First the background, would you guys go with a painted blue or black? Also, would you get a elbow on the inlet so that you could skim the water off the top?





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Does it come in black? It would really be nice if it came in silver.


Looks good. You said that they drilled it at the factory for ya. So you can order it from the LFS and have it drilled before they ship it?

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Sorry for the confusion. I had it drilled at the LFS. Also, I'm not Eddie from reefecentral. I will post pics of hte newly painted background.






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