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Coral Vue Hydros

The unexpected I Love My Wife Upgrade


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So my wife went to go buy dog food and came back with the dog food and that 40 breeder. She knew I wanted it and saw it on sale. So I'm so psyched. I plan on going to lowes or home depot Tuesday and buying a kitchen cabinet and nice countertop for a stand. I've seen them used before. Theat should work for a stand right? As for equipment I already have everything I need. AI sol blue. I know the spread isn't 36 inches but I want a nice acan garden so they will go on the edges. Mp 10 and eshopps come skimmer. Reefkeeper lite with ATO and 2 BRS dosing pumps. The 20 long will become my sump. I was thinking of leaving 6 inches in the end of the sump and close it off to use for a ATO reservoir. Do you think that will work? It would make the stand so uncluttered to not have a reservoir in it. Well any input will be appreciated. Oh by the way #### yeah I'm psyched....

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Congrats on the new tank, thats an awsome surprise . I think the built in ATO is a pretty cool idea, but at 6" you might find yourself filling it up quite often.

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Maybe 8 inches for the ATO that should give me hopefully 4 gallons I only have about 2.5 no and it last me 4 days or so. If I ever need more room if I go away I could just use a big bucket .

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A 20 long is going to be tough fitting under a 40breeder unless you build the stand wide. I have used and am currently setting up a 20 high as a sump. The higher tank keeps all the salt creep and splashing more contained and the tank is shorter making it fit easier in the stand. I would be a bit worried using a kitchen cabinet type stand to hold 400lbs. It might work but it would make me nervous.

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I had my 40b on a 36" sink base from lowes, with a 20L as sump. It worked out great, didnt have any splashing at all. in fact that is what my new build is going on , and the 20L is still gonna be in it.

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A 20 long is going to be tough fitting under a 40breeder unless you build the stand wide. I have used and am currently setting up a 20 high as a sump. The higher tank keeps all the salt creep and splashing more contained and the tank is shorter making it fit easier in the stand. I would be a bit worried using a kitchen cabinet type stand to hold 400lbs. It might work but it would make me nervous.


The breeder is 6 inches longer and 6 inches wider I don't get what you mean. I could always reinforce the cabinet with 2x4's. But I really don't think I will need to. I had a 60 cube o. A marineland stand and that is still around in another reefers house after 2 years. Those things are built so poor I had one break o. Me just lifting it ( after I had used one). I'm pretty sure it will be fine I just need to coat it with something. What should I use? Another thing can I drill the bottom of this tank. It didn't have a sticker saying not to. It an aqueon.


The stand is actually going to be 36x24x36high

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Depends on the stand, I had a 20L under my 48" tank and didn't have much room on each side of the sump. I thought about trying the built in ATO res. on my 40 breeder but at around 10g/week worth of evaporation it wouldn't have lasted long.


If your evaporation is less you might have better luck.


Good luck with the upgrade, 40 breeders will always be one of my favorites.

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Got a quote on drilling an overflow. Greg at underwaterworld not to far from me is going to make and the overflow and drill it for me for $40. Seems like a sweet deal to me. So here's my list. It will get wet the day after I get everything from my list.


-tank *

-cabinet *

-counter top*


-gurgle buster

-lock line and nozzle*

-1" bulkhead*

-3/4 inch bulkhead*


-glass cut for sump

-stain for stand*


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For livestock I'm thinking my 2 clowns and maybe a trio of cardinals. Maybe a blennie and a firefish. I think I'm also going to try a pair of Pom Pom crabs if I can find a male and female.

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So I just picked up a kitchen cabinet at home depot for 20% off. A counter top some stain and a jigsaw. I'm going to try to cut the top to size saturday and cut a hole for the pipes. And I'm going to get the tank drilled on Sunday. So hopefully by next Tuesday this bad boy is wet as water.

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Ditto on the herbie! It's much quieter and fail safe than a durso. I've done both, and I'm much happier with the herbie design, you just need a second hole/bulkhead and a gate valve.

Once the tank is set-up and you hate the durso, it will be too late to go back!

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