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Cultivated Reef

Nanoregon's 18g ADA


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This tank is an upgrade from an AGA 15g. Here are the particulars,


18g ADA display tank(60x30x45)

Eshopps single overflow (modded and siliconed)

1x Korolina Nano

AquaticLife 4x24 T5

20 lbs LR


5.5 AGA Sump/Fuge

whisper 5-15 running chemi-pure

100Watt Stealth Heater

13" CPR Aquafuge light

Aquatic Life Nano Skimmer(NO MORE SKIMMER!)



True Percula Clown

Lawnmower Blenny

Randall's Shrimp Goby


Tiger Pistol Shrimp

2x Sexy Shrimp

Golden Banded Coral Shrimp

Tridacana Crocea

2x Bumblebee Snails(MOVED TO OTHER TANK)

Stomatella Army

10 Blue Leg Hermits

1 Scarlet Leg Hermit

Various Dusters


Lots of Zoos




Green Star Polyps(MOVED)

Giant Green Buttons(MOVED)

Scolymia sp.

Leather Coral(MOVED)

Plating Montipora

Acropora Millepora(RIP)

Trumpet Coral


black sponge








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I think I've seen your tank before - the octopus is giving you away. :) Looks nice!

Tank looks GReat. Clean & simple. What is the deal with the Oct?

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I want to keep my scape looking natural, placing this acro has been a challenge for me. I have read up on the threads for placing frag plugs but this one is on a larger base. and I don't know how I feel about gluing things into my reef. any thoughts? will it eventually grow over the base so I shouldn't worry?

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I want to keep my scape looking natural, placing this acro has been a challenge for me. I have read up on the threads for placing frag plugs but this one is on a larger base. and I don't know how I feel about gluing things into my reef. any thoughts? will it eventually grow over the base so I shouldn't worry?

Should I have started a new thread for this?

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I'm sorry I don't know anything about Acros...But I can tell you that most of the questions asked in tank threads go unanswered. Some get answered.... People go to tank threads to oogle other people's stuff. :blush: If I really need an answer, I find the best place is either in the newbie forum or the forum specific to your question (Coral Forum, in this case).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got the AquaticLIfe T5 HO Fixture! it is amazing so far. built in timer so only one cord. (but now what do I do with my power center?) Lunar LED's my corals are digging it! anybody have experience with this fixture? I decided to go with t5 instead of halide to try and cap my spending. also there are a lot of sweet softies out there.

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