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Cultivated Reef

What Should I do with Old Live Rock


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Have some old live rock which i just took out of the water. This rock was riddled with aiptasia and cyano. What should i do to make sure none of that goes into the new tank, I don't have the new tank yet so no rush.

Want the rock to be completely dead before it goes into the new tank.
The tank it came from also had a bad algae issue.

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With all those problems you just mentioned I would just start fresh with new rock you don't want to be battling that in the new tank

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Just swapped to a new tank and had bad algae on my rocks did a really good peroxide bath and almost two weeks later in new tank none of the algae has popped up. Now for the aiptasia I don't know about that.

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To "reset" that rock before a tank transfer, I would do an acid bath. This is what many reef keepers do when they get dry rock (especially from BRS, I hear).


Fill a bucket with rock and water, add muriatic acid (making about a 90:10 water:acid solution). Let soak & foam for a few minutes. Rinse, then let cure in a bucket of salt water while you're waiting on the new tank. Throw in a power head and heater, and do a water change every couple weeks, too. You'll start fresh -- no algae or aiptasia.



EDIT: this guy also does a bleach bath, which I guess would be even more effective. But I doubt aiptasia will survive the acid.

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Thanks everyone quick response! :D
Will try the acid, theres just a few rocks that i really like for the rest ill go with fresh rocks.

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Thanks everyone quick response! :D

Will try the acid, theres just a few rocks that i really like for the rest ill go with fresh rocks.


The pukani from BRS is really cool. I meant to order 25 lbs last week then forgot. Went to do it tonight and they're out of stock :(

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The pukani from BRS is really cool. I meant to order 25 lbs last week then forgot. Went to do it tonight and they're out of stock :(

Yeah I wanted to order some from there but they dont ship overseas :(

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