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Gorgonian recovery


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2 days


5 days


I received an orange sea rod the other day from an online retailer, muricea elongata. It is a photosynthetic gorgonian. Anyway, it arrived in rough shape, the bag smelled something fierce. Upon arrival there were a few spots of tissue loss so I glued it to a piece of rock and put it into the tank thinking the worst. After a few hours almost 50% of its tissue had then fallen off and I decided I'd frag it to the few remaining good tips the next day and went to bed. The next day it didn't look any worse so I took the wait and see approach. Well its only been five days and I wish I had pictures of how bad it looked before but it has regrown a lot of the tissue loss and is looking like it is going to make a full recovery in maybe only a couple weeks. Has anyone else had something similar happen? I'll post another pic in a couple days and I'm guessing the base will be filled out by then which you can see now is bare. I hope.

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Wow, awesome to see that come back that well! I've always been interested in Gorgs but somehow have never had one in the 5 years I've been reefing. Can't wait to see another pic in a few days

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It obviously likes your water conditions. It looks beautiful w/ the colors in the backdrop. I'm definitely going to try gorgs in this 34 I'll be starting next week. Let's hope I don't have die off of some cool things on my live uncured live rock next week.

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Wow, awesome to see that come back that well! I've always been interested in Gorgs but somehow have never had one in the 5 years I've been reefing. Can't wait to see another pic in a few days

I'm amazed myself, every branch has grown back probably 1/2 inch.


It obviously likes your water conditions. It looks beautiful w/ the colors in the backdrop. I'm definitely going to try gorgs in this 34 I'll be starting next week. Let's hope I don't have die off of some cool things on my live uncured live rock next week.

I'm a big fan of uncured live rock, especially if you're like me trying to grow out a mixed macro reef with as much diversity as possible. On a side note, I've had two purple ribbon gorgs in my tank for almost two months with just ok success. They haven't grown much but still look good. Although I just started feeding them coral smoothie the other day and if a coral could smile I think mine are by the looks of them.

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I'm amazed myself, every branch has grown back probably 1/2 inch. I'm a big fan of uncured live rock, especially if you're like me trying to grow out a mixed macro reef with as much diversity as possible. On a side note, I've had two purple ribbon gorgs in my tank for almost two months with just ok success. They haven't grown much but still look good. Although I just started feeding them coral smoothie the other day and if a coral could smile I think mine are by the looks of them.


I heard they love things like Coral Frenzy, Reef Bugs, so I have both at home and in my Evolve 8 I put one measuring spoon of each (the spoon is the one from the Salifert Nitrate kit) in a glass , wait for 20-25 mins and dump it in. I'm assuming coral smoothie is something similar? I've been doing it every Sun and Wed since 9/25 and everything has better color already.

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It hasn't fully recovered yet but if you compare the two photos in my original post and look at the base you can see how much tissue has regrown in only two days.

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Five days since my original post and the base has filled in. I never imagined this gorg would recover so quickly. There is still about an inch on one of the branches that is bare but at this rate it won't be long until it has all of its tissue back.

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i just received a nano gorg in the mail and it has alot of tissue lost at the top. i hope mine will bounce back like urs!

I think my mistake was getting it from a retailer that only uses two day shipping, although some purple ribbon gorgs I got from them a couple months ago were fine. I have been feeding the injured macro daily to try and give it some extra nutrients for recovery. The way I saw it as if its polyps were out then it can't be that bad off. I also received a corky finger at the same time as this one and it is just starting to put some polyps out on a couple of its branches so I'm nursing two back to health.

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That's the name of it, coral smoothie. I got with my order from live-plants.com. I imagine its like most other foods for filter feeders. I'm no expert.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Five days since my original post and the base has filled in. I never imagined this gorg would recover so quickly. There is still about an inch on one of the branches that is bare but at this rate it won't be long until it has all of its tissue back.

I wish mine would recover like yours. It's only recovered a little since getting it.

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I wish mine would recover like yours. It's only recovered a little since getting it.


I'm guessing even a little recovery is a good thing, even if it takes longer than the one I got. Yours is a nice looking gorg, I just didn't want you to snip off all the exposed skeleton because it may grow back. I have read about necrosis on some though so I'd just keep an eye on it. Good luck with it.

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I'm guessing even a little recovery is a good thing, even if it takes longer than the one I got. Yours is a nice looking gorg, I just didn't want you to snip off all the exposed skeleton because it may grow back. I have read about necrosis on some though so I'd just keep an eye on it. Good luck with it.

well what would the necrosis look like? I like it's branches, too. that's why I haven't cut it off yet :(

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well what would the necrosis look like? I like it's branches, too. that's why I haven't cut it off yet :(


I don't know either, I'm new at keeping gorgs myself. Sorry.

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I don't know either, I'm new at keeping gorgs myself. Sorry.

It's okay. I cut the branches off anyways in hopes to lessen the chances of bad things happening :/

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