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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Lumia 5.1 build.


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I built an arduino controller based on the Jarduino code.

Super clean... what is all the tech stuff conected the LEDs?


I'm not sure to which tech stuff your referring. If its the first pic. I built an arduino controller based on the Jarduino system. I was testing that everything worked as intended. To avoid making permanent connections I used bread boards and terminal blocks to make my connections during testing.


If your looking to do something similar then do a google search for Jarduino or check out Meepnand's Ultimate controller. Jarduino is pretty much a completed project. Been no updates I've seen in quite some time. But it works. Meep's is a working progress.




I originally was going with Meep's but I needed something more complete. Once his is further along I may revisit his controller.

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Could you measure the dimensions of the lumia led unit? It would be helpful to know before i purchase a heatsink and fan. I'm sure these put out alot of heat.

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Had to make some wiring changes. I had bought some 18g sprinkler wire for running power to the LEDs. The wire was just too stiff. It was pulling on the led leads too much much. And pulling on the heatsinks. I switched over to some cat5e. Everything tested fine. Just need to make the enclosure for the arduino. No idea on what I'm going to do for that yet.

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wow i would love to do something like this but i got lost in the adruino program parts lol

Yeah. I'm no programmer either. The jarduino is surprising not difficult to do. The programming is all done for ya. Unless your wanting something different than he has done already. He has a full instruction manual on what to do.




Meep has a controller that he's designing on this website that will great once he has perfected it. And since he is active on these boards he would be able to answer most questions.

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I really like the Jarduino. The only purpose of my controller is to simplify things even further; only the DS1302 is required.

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Made some changes to my board. Removed the right angel headers. In favor of screw terminals. Much better connections.














Planning on using this old Tape drive housing as my controller box. Have some mods that will need to be done. A little tight but I think it will work.









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Stacking those power supplies might cause overheating issues. The fan vent is blocked that way.

I plan on putting spacers between them. But yes that is one of my concerns. The case does have a fan in the back that I'm looking to use. Have a constant air flow thru the case. The power supplies have fans as well that kick in when it gets hot. Also looking to see if I can get the fan to blow straight across the power supplies.

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It's alive! At least for a few minutes. Still have work to do. But the tests were successful. Just need to finish the housing and make a couple more CAT5 cables. As soon as I find where I put my CAT5 tips.









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  • 2 weeks later...

Couple questions.


What is the middle shield between the Arduino and the TFT?


And could you have used a single 7A power supply instead of two?


I really like the purple coloration in your last pics, would you say 5his is accurate to what you see or is this a camera white balance correction?

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Milad LEDGroupBuy.com

It's alive! At least for a few minutes. Still have work to do. But the tests were successful. Just need to finish the housing and make a couple more CAT5 cables. As soon as I find where I put my CAT5 tips.










that looks damn good

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