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It's Find Mr. Mantis Time


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So.... I have each piece of my LR in separate buckets trying to isolate the clicking that has been keeping my wife up for nights... Thank you Tampa Bay Saltwater, by the way....


The removal of Mantis 1 ended in death. Number 2 went to a buddy of mine. When I find number 3, and manage not to end his little clicking life, anyone want him for the cost of shipping plus a donation to the dead peppermint shrimps fund?


Here little mantis.....mantis mantis... Look at the yummy shrimp on this very natural looking bamboo skewer...

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OK - now we're going on an hour. Every rock out expect the one with my anemone. I keep hearing clicks but can't locate!!!

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RODI has gotten me two small crabs and a baby something. Now my tank is completely torn down except for one rock that has my anemone... the only redeeming piece of TBS at this point. The clicks I heard from the buckets have stopped, but I have no prize... 2.5 hours...

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Well, I "caught" one mantis and a baby pistol, unfortunately, neither survived the catching process :(


So I had 5 pieces of LR in 5 separate buckets for 3 days.... Never heard a SINGLE click... Put the rock back into the tank? Click!!!


But the frequency is not nearly as bad... never at night and only a little during the day. Not sure which variety it is, but I'm NOT going to tear the thing down again unless I have to.


What an ordeal!

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