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Pod Your Reef

restructured reef scape-mini cycle?


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So I have a 55g SPS dominated tank. It's been running for 2 years, and despite pests here and there, the growth of the corals was incredible. I literally had a 2 inch piece of birdsnest coral that is bigger than a football now. In fact everything grew so much that I ran out of space and decided to take some life rock out and rescape the whole thing. Took the tankwater out and placed all the corals, fish, inverts, and rocks in different bins with powerheads and started to clean and restructure the scape.I changed about 20 g of water, and reassembled. The fish all survived but the water is really murky. Did I trigger a new cycle? My crocea clam dies, and most of the corals don't seem very happy. Haven't even tested for nitrites cause I know they'll be kinda high. Skimmer is going crazy because of all the epoxy that I used to put the corals in place. So I shut if off for now. Put in some carbon.

What else can I do? Just wait and see? PH and KH are fine....

How long does a small cycle usually take?




Here some pics from August before Sh#$% hit the fan

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spec. grav. 1.025

temp 78 F


Kh: 13.4dkh

No3: 0.25ppm

Po4: 0.03ppm

CA: 430ppm

mg: 1350 ppm


Apart from the high alkalinity and a little raised No3 and PO4, it seems kinda normal, right?

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thats all the stored detritus from two years of running making the cloud.


to know if its a cycle, which I think it is not, an ammonia test would be needed nitrite won't just arise as mentioned. ammonia is the key test but don't bother, just change a huge amount of water its your best bet since all this change happened so abruptly in that community.

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