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Coral Vue Hydros

Dwarf Angler


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Hi everyone.


I'm thinking about getting a Drawf Angler fish...

But I can't seem to find any Inforamtion about them on the Internet, Anyone know anything about them, or know a website about them?

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The Wartskin Angler is a great choice for any reef aquarium without smaller fishes, which the Angler would probably eat. It will not bother any corals, clams, or larger invertebrates. The Wartskin Angler can change colors to camouflage itself with its surroundings appearing to blend in with the reef. It feeds by ambushing its prey which it attracts using its very own fishing lure. That's right, it fishes for other fish. The Wartskin Angler actually has a modified spine called an illicium which serves as its fishing pole, and an esca which serves as the lure or bait. It will dangle its esca in front of its mouth and lure unsuspecting fishes to swim right up to its mouth. This fish works smart, not hard. After waiting patiently for the perfect moment the Angler explodes, rapidly swallowing the unsuspecting fish. It appears as if the rock moved and the fish just disappeared. Remember any fish smaller than the angler is fair prey, it will even eat slender fishes that are much longer than itself. If you ever have trouble feeding the Angler try putting several Green Chromis or Damsels in the tank to act as feeder fish, they are reef safe and will add a splash of color to your reef until eaten. After your Angler is well acclimated to your tank try offering it pieces of defrosted shrimp on the end of a feeder stick. Just wiggle the shrimp in front of its mouth until it eats it. The first time is usually the hardest, once the Angler tries a piece of shrimp it seems to begin to recognize the feeder stick, and the shrimp as a good meal.


Wartskin Anglers are sold based on their primary color at the time of shipping since certain colors, such as yellow, are rather uncommon. Remember that it can change its color. We have had Black Anglers change into Yellow Anglers over a period of several months.

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Ok, I'm about to look at the Links.

So it wouldn't do well with a clown than....

I have a 10 gallon tank not in use for anything though, Would any anglers fit in there?

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Remember the larger the tank the better anglers produce a lot of waste and you will need a large display or a suitable sump and skimmer if you want to keep the params in check.

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Ok, I'll have a good protien skimmer.

And that other 10 gallon link... That really inspired/made me jelouse.

So, Basically warty frog fish/black frog fish, would be the best for 10 gallon aquarium?

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A. maculatus gets about 4 inches, and is cool as hell. I have an article in the NR database about them. They'll eat your clowns, though!

Like this one?


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I never knew these fish had a good survival rate in captivity. The article I read in Coral mag said otherwise. Hmmmm....

Possible they don't have good survival rates, but that may very well be husbandry related based on current knowledge. Just like any other fish, more people need to give it a go so that we can learn from their experience and become successful with this species. A nano tank, where the husbandry can really be focused on this specimen may be the best environment for learning.

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They don't ship well and can also die from overeating.

It is very important to not lift them out of the water when moving or shipping them since they can gulp air, which will kill them.

Once they are mature it is best to feed them around twice a week.

They will eat as often as you feed them, and if they overeat they will have more food in their system than they can digest in a reasonable amt of time and it will rot and kill them. (IIRC)

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They don't ship well and can also die from overeating.

Once they are mature it is best to feed them around twice a week.

They will eat as often as you feed them, and if they overeat they will have more food in their system than they can digest in a reasonable amt of time and it will rot and kill them. (IIRC)

This is true. On the first page of my tank thread, I have a few pictures of my old 15 gallon reef that I kept. It featured a frogfish that was probably the coolest fish I've ever owned. It ate silversides from my hand! This trick was a little too popular and I overfed him. It was really sad. All I had on the fifteen gallon tank was an emperor 280 for carbon and flow, a few snails for clean up, and a ton of calurpa for nutrient export (plus weekly 20% water changes). The tank was a champ! Mostly LPS and softies, but I had a cap and a scroll coral in there as well that did great. I moved three hours away and didn't want to deal with that move. Learn from my mistakes. Feed the froggy only twice a week no matter how cool it is. If you can deal with a little bit bigger of a tank, the 15 I had was great for it.

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I’m getting a tiny A. Macalatus shipped to me tomorrow! He’s about 1/2 inch in size! :happy:

Anyone have any suggestions on the best way to acclimate him? Also I’ve read juveniles should be fed a little more frequently, is this correct and what would be the best thing to feed the little guy?

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I want a angler now :unsure:<_<:lol:


For real... I have a spare 20L with a T5 fixture maybe I'll set up a little macro and softie tank and just have a little angler. I need to do more reading on them. Everything I've read so far said that they don't do well (including on RC everyone seems to be impressed if you can keep one for more than a year). Also I didn't realize they adapt so readily to frozen foods.

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I’m getting a tiny A. Macalatus shipped to me tomorrow! He’s about 1/2 inch in size! :happy:

Anyone have any suggestions on the best way to acclimate him? Also I’ve read juveniles should be fed a little more frequently, is this correct and what would be the best thing to feed the little guy?


Acclimate like any other fish, just make sure when you take him out of the bag that you use a small cup or something so he's never out of the water.

Unfortunately, this means you'll have to put a little bit of bag water in your tank, but it's unavoidable.

Just make sure you have carbon or something running to handle any yuckiness from the bag water.

I would also keep your tank light off for the first day to allow him to get used to his new home with less stress.


For feeding him, I would personally contact StanD about buying some live Mysis Shrimp off him and put those in the tank with him at first, they're the perfect size food for him.

After that, I'd see if you can train him onto frozen Mysis or some other small frozen food.

He'll also eat Pods at his size.


For real... I have a spare 20L with a T5 fixture maybe I'll set up a little macro and softie tank and just have a little angler. I need to do more reading on them. Everything I've read so far said that they don't do well (including on RC everyone seems to be impressed if you can keep one for more than a year). Also I didn't realize they adapt so readily to frozen foods.


They vary as to how well they adapt to frozen, some take longer to train than others.

But if you persist, you should be able to train most Anglers to take frozen.

You basically have to go "fishing" with the piece of frozen, and move it around to appear live until they go for it.

They respond noticeably to movement.

It also probably wouldn't hurt to put just a small amt. of the frozen juice around the food into the water a couple of minutes ahead of time so they smell it and are already looking around before you put the real thing in.

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  • 6 years later...


who is Zach at Lucid? sorry if this is a dumb question just new to this forum.


Zach Hubbell used to work at lucidcorals....online supplier of fish and coral. In the past he was always able to get different species of anglers. This is a really old thread so I dont know if hes still in the hobby or not as their site is down but you could try reaching out to him at hubbell.zach@yahoo.com.

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Holy zombie thread Batman.....


who is Zach at Lucid? sorry if this is a dumb question just new to this forum.


Let's see... post from 2009. Mosier99 joined in 2009 and has 38 posts since.


I believe someone's 56k modem hung until 4 days ago...

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  • 4 weeks later...


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